Re: Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2004 December 15

> PE135: When to check entity WFness according to 4.3.2
> -----------------------------------------------------
> The root of this issue appears to be the WF of entities that are
> declared but never referenced.
> Glenn: If we're going to make this clarification, I'm not sure why
> internal general entities are the only places where we would do this.
> Is this yet another case where the outline of the spec causes to have
> statements scattered along one dimension but if someone wants to
> gather them together in one section, they're not completely
> cross-referenced. This may just be a case where we need to tie the
> statements about parsed entities together better. Maybe not enough
> things are links.
> ACTION: Glenn to review PE135 and see if he can propose a solution.

It seems to me that the confusion comes from the reference from Section
2.1 into Section 4.3.2.  Section 2.1 talks about well-formedness of
Documents in particular, while 4.3.2 talks about well-formedness of
Parsed Entities in general.  Section 2.1 states the requirement that
"Each of the parsed entities which is referenced directly or indirectly
within the document is well-formed" while Section 4.3.2 makes no such

If one were to read 4.3.2 "out of context", it would certainly appear
that you needed to do a lot of well-formedness checking that 2.1 does
not require.  Section 4.3.2 just defines what it takes for a parsed
entity to be well-formed, but never mentions which of those parsed
entities *need* to be well-formed for the document to be well-formed.
Perhaps a statement of the form:

  Document <a ... href="#dt-wellformed">well-formedness</a> only requires
  that the parsed entities which are referenced directly or indirectly
  within the document be well-formed.

or just:

  Only parsed entities that are referenced directly or indirectly within
  the document are required to be well-formed.


Received on Monday, 13 December 2004 16:02:21 UTC