Re: img element height and width

I think those attributes are also useful for full accessibility of the
element itself.
For example if you look at the <object> element, it often needs to
have specified width and height attributes, otherwise it will not be
rendered correctly by the UA.

2009/1/28 Tina Holmboe <>:
> On 28 Jan, Steven Pemberton wrote:
>>> I think we should put these attributes back in.  Or provide guidance in
>>> the prose for how to work around their absense via CSS.
>> I prefer the latter (since I prefer there to be just one way of doing it,
>> and the CSS way is better);
>> but I can live with the former.
>  The problem with the CSS method is that the CSS may not be read until
>  well into the UA starts rendering - if CSS is at all supported.
>  You have my vote on the former method.

Received on Wednesday, 28 January 2009 14:56:21 UTC