Alessio Cartocci
Charles F Wiecha
Dominique Hazael-Massieux
Gregory J. Rosmaita
- regrets for 2008-01-30; probable regrets for 2008-02-06
- minutes from 2008-10-16 XHTML2 call [DRAFT]
- possible to probable regrets (was Re: [XHTML] Agenda 2008-01-09)
Ian B. Jacobs
- Call for Exclusions (Update): RDFa in XHTML: Syntax and Processing
- Call for Exclusions: XHTML Access Module
Ivan Herman
Mark Birbeck
Richard Schwerdtfeger
Roland Merrick
- [XHTML] Agenda 2008-01-30
- Transition announcement of FPWD of XHTML Access Module
- [XHTML] Agenda 2008-01-23
- M12N -- one word has changed MUST => SHOULD
- [XHTML] Agenda 2008-01-16
- [XHTML] Minutes 2008-01-09
- Action:
- [XHTML] Agenda 2008-01-09
Shane McCarron
- Reviewing the RDFa Syntax specification
- Role Attribute Module updated
- Re: Last call comments on XHTML Role Attribute Module (PR#8024)
- XHTML 1.1 Editor's Draft updated
- Updated CURIE draft
- Re: M12N -- one word has changed MUST => SHOULD
- Value Space of a CURIE
- RDFa attributes on the html element
- RDFa attributes on html element