Re: XHTMLMIME draft updated

Greetings Shane, I think that progress is being made. However, I have a 
general comment. The "Appendix A. Compatibility Guidelines" [1] in the 
subject document starts with "This appendix summarizes design guidelines 
for authors . . .". If we wish to make the task of writing content as 
simple as possible for authors we should not just summarise.

As an example, sections "A.2." and "A.3." both deal with empty elements. 
In order to follow the guidelines the reader is left with the task of 
determining if a particular element was defined in the DTD as EMPTY. 

I would like to suggest that we expand the guidlines to define what 
elements are defined as EMPTY. The list is not too long and is something 
like: base; meta; link; hr; br; basefont; param; img; area; input; 
isindex; col.

IF element is defined as EMPTY, then DO use minimised tag syntax. (e.g. 
<br />)
IF element is not defined as EMPTY and has no content, then DO NOT use 
minimised tag syntax. (e.g. <p></p>)


Regards, Roland
IBM Software Group, Strategy, Software Standards

Shane McCarron <> 
Sent by:
03/04/2008 05:09


XHTMLMIME draft updated

As per our discussion in the teleconference today, I have made some 
changes to the (still in development) update to the XHTML MIME 
document.  The new version is available at

Note that the diff marked version is against the last editors draft, not 
against the previous released version is inidicated.  I will fix that 
soon, but its late and I need some sleep.

Shane P. McCarron                          Phone: +1 763 786-8160 x120
Managing Director                            Fax: +1 763 786-8180
ApTest Minnesota                            Inet:

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Received on Friday, 4 April 2008 11:00:54 UTC