WebID-ISSUE-10 (bblfish): Hash URLs for Agents [ontologies]

WebID-ISSUE-10 (bblfish): Hash URLs for Agents [ontologies]


Raised by: Henry Story
On product: ontologies

On 29 Jan 2011, at 21:04, Peter Williams wrote in the archived mail

What I really liked about the use of RDFa in the FOAF+SSL pre-incubator world was that the good ol' home page could easily be foaf card, and thus the home page URI is a webid stem. To the average punter (who will rarely understand the significance of #tag on the end), the home page URI is a webid.


An important point to explain.  Please let's not make this a huge debate. This has been debated elsewhere.
Let us first gather pointers to the findings on the subject, the counterargument perhaps. And then have a short discussion about this.

Received on Sunday, 30 January 2011 00:32:05 UTC