Re: Important Question re. WebID Verifiers & Linked Data

On 21 December 2011 15:46, Kingsley Idehen <> wrote:
> On 12/21/11 8:58 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> Is a WebID verifier supposed to be a Linked Data consumer ?
>> Is a WebID verifier supposed to be an RDF consumer?
>> Please understand that RDF != Linked Data. It's just one of the options
>> for creating and publishing Linked Data.
>> In addition:
>> Is a WebID verifier supposed to be an HTTP client?
>> Is a WebID verifier supposed to be able to leverage HTTP content
>> negotiation?
>> Right now, WebID verifiers are very inconsistent re. the above, thus I
>> encourage we bring clarity to this very important manner.
>> Remember, if we are going to tout WebID as leveraging Web Architecture, we
>> have to actually comply with said architecture.
> For the record, I am re-posting due to critical typo fix. I meant to say:
> Is a WebID verifier supposed to be a Linked Data consumer ?
> Is a WebID verifier supposed to be an RDF consumer?
> Please understand that RDF != Linked Data. It's just one of the options for
> creating and publishing Linked Data.
> In addition:
> Is a WebID verifier supposed to be an HTTP client?
> Is a WebID verifier supposed to be able to leverage HTTP content
> negotiation?
> Right now, WebID verifiers are very inconsistent re. the above, thus I
> encourage we bring clarity to this very important *matter*.
> Remember, if we are going to tout WebID as leveraging Web Architecture, we
> have to actually comply with said architecture.

+1 to linked data & web architecture

I find myself often guided by 'Axioms' of Web Architecture

"Test of Independent Invention

 If someone else had already invented your system, would theirs work
with yours?"

Is a particular axiom that I like, as well as the principle 'universal
does not mean unique'

So I think WebID should play nicely with both LOD and Web Arch, mainly
by leveraging URI's

> --
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen
> Founder&  CEO
> OpenLink Software
> Company Web:
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Received on Wednesday, 21 December 2011 16:21:26 UTC