Important Question re. WebID Verifiers & Linked Data


Is a WebID verifier supposed to be a Linked Data consumer ?
Is a WebID verifier supposed to be an RDF consumer?

Please understand that RDF != Linked Data. It's just one of the options 
for creating and publishing Linked Data.

In addition:

Is a WebID verifier supposed to be an HTTP client?
Is a WebID verifier supposed to be able to leverage HTTP content 

Right now, WebID verifiers are very inconsistent re. the above, thus I 
encourage we bring clarity to this very important manner.

Remember, if we are going to tout WebID as leveraging Web Architecture, 
we have to actually comply with said architecture.



Kingsley Idehen	
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OpenLink Software
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Received on Wednesday, 21 December 2011 13:59:19 UTC