Re: Openid Sequence diagram -was: Position Paper for W3C Workshop on Identity

On 21 Apr 2011, at 17:27, peter williams wrote:

> It's the issue that we/you both in fact touched on in the paper:
> that we are ancitipating putting an RDF parser in the browser, so it can
> render the users profile page when one looks at the current client cert.
> This has to be about AS SCARY as it gets. 

We have not specified any format (I think). All formats transform to RDF, so if 
the browser people really prefer non rdf XML, we can work for them to give them
an XML representation of the data.  That is what GRDDL is for.

On the other hand I don't think things are that bad with rdf. 10 years is a long
time, and the folks ten years ago in the browser world were just a bit too far
ahead of the curve. Now it would be easy for them to take virtuoso and pop it in the
browser. But  we are not here arguing for that here. 


Social Web Architect

Received on Thursday, 21 April 2011 15:54:10 UTC