Final Report Recommendations

The Final Report, although shaping up well, is *long* - so we need to make the key points of the Report obvious and unambiguous.

In my mind, these are the 5 bullet points listed under "We respectfully recommend to the W3C areas of future work in which the W3C should play a pivotal role:" in the Overview [1].

These have to represent the consensus and outcomes of our work over the part 18 months - and they will be the key messages we send to W3C members+management about what W3C should do next.

For example, if we want real technical work to begin to develop "Spec X" then we should be bold and recommend a new W3C Working Group to undertake this work. We can also recommend a new Interest Group if the XG feels that there is a need to continue the high-level community-building discussions. We can also recommend that W3C works with "external org X" to develop joint outcomes.

As a first step, I would recommend all XG members to read the 5 bullet points and make sure these are generally the 5 things you want to happen next....then we should work on these and make them concrete and measurable goals.

Renato Iannella
Semantic Identity
Mobile: +61 4 1313 2206


Received on Wednesday, 15 September 2010 01:03:53 UTC