- From: Christine Perey <cperey@perey.com>
- Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 11:12:40 +0200
- To: <public-xg-socialweb@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <BCB024889EF74493B4C39E1FAE54DAAC@T60>
I would like to update the SWXG regarding the following invitations to speak on a future conf call (which I extended on behalf of the group) and the responses received. Please feel free to update invited speaker's wiki on this, if there is need to track these invites and replies for the future. OSLO Agreement. I contacted Ronan Higgins and Andrew Scott about a month ago. Our invitation was declined. See Ronan's reply below my signature. MOBILE Community services providers: I invited Sam Critchley (GyPSii) and Marcus Ladwig (Peperoni). Have not yet heard from Sam. Marcus replied that he is not available and that their shifting company focus made the W3C work out of scope for them. I believe that without significantly more effort to pay attention to the needs of BUSINESSES, it is and will continue to be difficult to attract senior executives/thought leaders who are currently OPERATING commercial (set aside the matter of if they are successful or not) community services to speak to this group. Regards, Christine Spime Wrangler <mailto:cperey@perey.com> cperey@perey.com mobile (Swiss): +41 79 436 68 69 from US: +1 (617) 848 8159 from anywhere (Skype): Christine_perey =========== There is no public information about the OSLO Alliance at the current time, beyond the original announcement (http://download.aka-aki.com/press/mitteilungen/EN/02232009_oslo_alliance.pd f). The group are working through the technical details of how information is to be shared between Alliance participants. The goal is to have a simple system up and running with limited overhead, but complexities can cause scope creep. I took a quick look through the W3C Social Web Incubator Group and am not sure it is relevant to OSLO work, as OSLO is focused simply on the ability to query Alliance member networks for user distance-to information. However, I don't see the DERI (Digital Enterprise Research Institute) SIOC (Semantically Integrated Online Communities) group listed in the W3C participants. SIOC are experts in the field of semantic metadata in relation to the social web. http://sioc-project.org/ of http://soso.deri.ie <http://soso.deri.ie/> Regards, Ronan ____________________________ Ronan Higgins, Founder Locle ronan@locle.com www.locle.com Ireland: tel +35316572588 mob +353864043574 fax +35316335498
Received on Wednesday, 1 July 2009 09:13:24 UTC