Re: flagship use cases proposal

On Feb 19, 2010, at 5:24 PM, Paul Groth wrote:

> Hi James and All,
> It seems that we have agreement on a use case e.g. a scientist uses  
> linked data, processes it with a scientific workflow + some manual  
> and qualitative analysis makes it available.
> The question seems which domain: eGovernment Public Policy or  
> bioinformatics. There are benefits to both.
> * eGovernment has the whole push with and open  
> government data, which has been really a hit with the community as a  
> whole. Non-scientists can also usually understand policy type use  
> cases.
> * for bioinformatics it would cement our ties with the HCLS working  
> group. I know there are strong demands for provenance and several  
> iniatives their trying to capture provenance type information. Also  
> workflows and linked data have fairly strong user communities in the  
> domain.
> I think the best way to solve this is who takes initiative :-)
> So is there anyone who would like to write up this use case (use  
> case #2)?

What is involved?  I suppose that by speaking up I've volunteered, but  
that's all right.

I'm somewhat familiar with both domains (there are several  
bioinformatics database curators in Edinburgh we've interacted with).   
I can imagine that further in the future, the already blurry line  
between public policy studies and eHealth might be even blurrier.

Is there a reason not to do both?  either
- add an eHealth/bioinformatics use case focusing on linked data
- or describing the eGov & eHealth aspects as instances of a generic  
scenario ?  Or would that make it too unfocused?


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Received on Friday, 19 February 2010 17:51:18 UTC