Re: Scribing for provenance telecon

On 12/12/2009 04:38 PM, Simon Miles wrote:
> Hi Yolanda,
> Yes, I think that covers the most important things I needed.  A few points:
> Does "trackbot, end telcon" generate the HTML minutes?  I did
> "rrsagent, draft minutes" as well, but perhaps that was unnecessary.

I do not think trackbot does that. In any case, issuing several 'draft
minutes' does do no harm, subsequent calls simply overwrite the previous


> I didn't find that the agenda was loaded on the meeting being set up
> (so I just ignored it).
> The actions which I could have noted explicitly were not for
> individuals but the group.  I don't know, and didn't find in the
> instructions, if it is possible to say "ACTION: all to provide curated
> use cases" or something similar.
> Thanks,
> Simon
> 2009/12/11 Yolanda Gil <>:
>> Hi,
>> To make it easier for people to volunteer to scribe, I tried to put
>> simple instructions for scribing on the wiki:
>> I am no expert in this, but hopefully I have made it simple enough for
>> new scribes to not be shy to volunteer.  Let me know if it looks good
>> to you, Simon.  The area I know the least about is managing action
>> items and issues, for now I have been tracking them by email and
>> enforcing them myself but this may become more important as we move
>> forward.
>> I have also added the notes I had circulated on email for people who
>> are new to IRC, so hopefully now we have a reference for that as well.
>> Thanks!
>> Yolanda
>> Yolanda Gil, USC/ISI
>> +1-310-448-8794
>> On Dec 11, 2009, at 7:48 AM, Yolanda Gil wrote:
>>> Thanks Ivan!
>>> Simon: there are notes in the wiki as well:
>>> I just realized that you will be both presenting and scribing.  I
>>> will plan on scribing when you are presenting.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Yolanda
>>> Yolanda Gil, USC/ISI
>>> +1-310-448-8794
>>> On Dec 10, 2009, at 4:56 AM, Ivan Herman wrote:
>>>> Hi Simon,
>>>> inviting zakim and rrsagent to the channel is one way indeed. But,
>>>> as we
>>>> have trackbot running for this group as well, you can also say
>>>> trackbot, prepare telcon
>>>> and trackbot will then do all the right invitations for you, ie, it
>>>> will
>>>> invite zakim and rrsagent, set the right permissions for the minutes,
>>>> set the title, etc. Trackbot itself is always present on the irc,
>>>> you do
>>>> not have to start it up.
>>>> And yes, you have to ask rrsagent to draft the minutes at the end.
>>>> give you ample information but, I think, starting with what I said
>>>> should be enough...
>>>> I hope this helps!
>>>> Ivan
>>>> Simon Miles wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ivan,
>>>>> I will be scribing for the incubator group on Friday and, as I have
>>>>> never done this before, just wanted to check some details.
>>>>> On joining the telecon, I invite Zakim and RRSAgent to the channel,
>>>>> then at the end, ask RRSAgent to draft the HTML minutes, and dismiss
>>>>> them.  I don't need to do anything to start/stop trackbot, but can
>>>>> register actions with it.  Is this all correct?
>>>>> I don't have permission to access the W3C IRC pages Yolanda sent
>>>>> before (, but assume there's nothing
>>>>> critical to know that I wouldn't have picked up from watching
>>>>> others?
>>>>> I can access the Zakim and RRSAgent documentation without problems.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Simon
>>>> --
>>>> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Saturday, 12 December 2009 15:42:34 UTC