Planning a face to face meeting

Hi all:

We will discuss plans for a face to face meeting at our next week's  
telecon.  Perhaps the best way to handle this is to solicit  
possibilities from the group in the next few days, discuss briefly at  
the telecon, and then set up a vote to decide.

We should take into account the cost/time of travel for all  
participants, which makes places like California less desirable.  If  
this is not the case, I am happy to host the meeting at ISI anytime.   
But realistically we should think of events that people in the group  
are likely to attend or could potentially attend by combining the trip  
with other activities or simply because the location is convenient.

We should have a teleconference like set up so people that cannot  
attend will be able to join in.

Some possible opportunities that have been brought up are, in  
chronological order:

- March 21-23: W3C Advisory Committee meeting at MIT, Boston, MA

- April 26-30: WWW conference in Raleigh, NC

- May 30-Jun 3: ESWC conference in Heraklion, Greece

- June 15-16: IPAW in Troy, NY

Those are the dates of the meetings, so our face to face would be  
scheduled around those dates and of course we would need to figure out  
the logistics with the organizers.

 From the point of view of the timeline of the group, I think earlier  
dates would be better.  The timing and location of the W3C AC meeting  
may be best, and they would have no problem facilitating the logistics  
(room, cost, telecon line, etc).  Also lots of W3C groups have F2F at  
these, so it is also useful for synergistic interactions with other  
W3C groups.  Good interactions may also be possible at the WWW  
conference, though if you were not planning to be at WWW then Raleigh  
is a bit more out of the way than Boston in terms of travel.  We would  
have to discuss with the WWW organizers about logistics, see if they  
would give us a room and a phone line, work out the cost, etc.  I  
think that June is probably a bit late to have the face to face as our  
activities wrap up in September and there is summer in between, but we  
should consider it as a possibility.

Does anyone have other suggestions?


Received on Friday, 4 December 2009 18:12:25 UTC