- From: Dave McFarland <notifications@webstandardsproject.grouphub.com>
- Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 14:03:30 +0000
- To: J Public <public-xg-owea@w3.org>
--- Reply ABOVE THIS LINE to post a comment to the project --- Company: OWEA Project: Open Web Education Alliance Link: https://webstandardsproject.grouphub.com/C45254509 Dave McFarland commented on a message: Glenda, Thanks for the clarification. I'm still a little unclear on how the Web pathways part will work, but it sounds like you all have given this a lot of thought. Maybe the confusion for me is that "establish web pathways" makes it sound like OWEA is actually CREATING or DICTATING these career paths. From your description, it sounds more like OWEA hopes to poll industry about what kinds of career paths exist and then document currently existing Web pathways so students can better understand what kinds of jobs exist in the industry and which skills they need to follow the path they're interested in. If that's the case, perhaps expanding the description of this in the White Paper would be useful--if the idea is to consult with industry (design firms, web departments in larger organizations, independent web designers) on this, I think that should be specifically mentioned. As for the OWEA/InterAct discussion, I agree with you that InterAct provides a good curriculum framework that other resources like Adobe, Opera, and so on, should be plugged into. It doesn't appear to me that InterAct is trying to dictate its own exclusive set of resources, in fact, in the courses I've reviewed, the InterAct curriculum points out to many other resources on the Web. If it's just a matter of confusion between the distinction between OWEA and InterAct, perhaps InterAct can be folded into OWEA, so that it becomes the OWEA framework (that may or may not be acceptable, of course, to all those behind InterAct). .......................................................................... See the original message, view this comment, and download attachments at: https://webstandardsproject.grouphub.com/C45254509 You can always check the Overview for the latest project activity: https://webstandardsproject.grouphub.com/projects/3106824/log To stop receiving emails when comments are posted to this message, visit: https://webstandardsproject.grouphub.com/posts/25375551/subscription/unsubscribe
Received on Wednesday, 16 September 2009 14:04:09 UTC