[Web Standards Project] Re: Executive Summary + Conclusion added to whitepaper

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Company: OWEA
Project: Open Web Education Alliance
Link: https://webstandardsproject.grouphub.com/C45255567

Chris Mills commented on a message:

   Sorry to come late to the party on this one.

   I agree with the flow of conversation here in general - nothing
   much for me to add, except to state that the Opera WSC was never
   supposed to contain teaching structures. I always intended it to
   be as fluid and granular as possible so that others can easily
   take it and fit it into whatever structure they want. This is
   why it works nicely alongside some of the InterAct courses.

   This is mainly in response to some of the conversation above,
   for example where Dave says "InterAct is very different than the
   materials offered by Adobe, Opera..." Just in case the purpose
   of WSC is not clear to everyone.

   Some points about the executive summary and conclusion:


     * the bullets should be capitalized
     * "Pilot Programs" doesn't need capitalization
     * "adopt the InterAct Curriculum Framework" should be changed
       to something like "adopt suitable teaching resources (such
       as the InterAct Curriculum Framework, Opera web standards
       curriculum, etc.)..." - I think this is what MArk was having
       the issue over in the first place, and I can see why. Even
       though we know the truth, we need to spell it out explicitly
       for those who don't


     * "Alliance is focused" - "Alliance has been focused"
     * In the first bulleted list, the capitalization goes a bit
       over the top. Maybe this is just a difference of opinion in
     * "adopt the InterAct Curriculum Framework" should be changed
       to something like "adopt suitable teaching resources (such
       as the InterAct Curriculum Framework, Opera web standards
       curriculum, etc.)..." - I think this is what Mark was having
       the issue over in the first place, and I can see why. Even
       though we know the truth, we need to spell it out explicitly
       for those who don't
     * "complimentary" - "complementary"
     * "of School of Web" - "of a School of Web"
     * "promote the use" - "promote the use of"
     * "allowing a preview of how clear the specification is,
       whether it is likely to be taught and, thereby, used in the
       real world" - "providing a preview of how clear the
       specification is, and whether it is likely to be taught and
       thereby used in the real world"
     * "accommodates for changes in leadership" - " and
       accommodates for changes in leadership"
     * "undertaking include establishing" - "undertaking includes
     * "and is confident" - "and are confident"
     * "begun work integrating pilot programs" - "begun to work on
       integrating pilot programs"
     * "future plans to expand to include if proven successful" -
     * "incorporate aspects of the WaSP InterAct curriculum" -
       again, I'd mention the other stuff, like Opera WSC and Adobe
     * "integrated into this curriculum collaborative" - eh?
     * "is based on Web standards and best practice, is a practical
       teaching tool and" - "are based on Web standards and best
       practices, are practical teaching tools, and"

   In future, shall I just make small changes myself? I don't want
   to tread on any toes.

   Overall the sections look really good!


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Received on Wednesday, 16 September 2009 14:11:58 UTC