- From: William Waites <ww@styx.org>
- Date: Mon, 9 May 2011 10:43:06 +0200
- To: Peter Murray-Rust <pm286@cam.ac.uk>
- Cc: Ben O'Steen <bosteen@gmail.com>, public-xg-lld <public-xg-lld@w3.org>, david.shotton@zoo.ox.ac.uk, mark@odaesa.com
* [2011-05-08 23:12:25 +0100] Peter Murray-Rust <pm286@cam.ac.uk> écrit: ] There are not normally any supplemental data sets (where the data and ] chemicals live) in the Medline distro so chemicals and data don't arise ] (except in fulltext, i.e. only Open Access allowed). Right, so in medline we see things like this: <DataBankList CompleteYN="Y"> <DataBank> <DataBankName>ISRCTN</DataBankName> <AccessionNumberList> <AccessionNumber>ISRCTN17632637</AccessionNumber> </AccessionNumberList> </DataBank> </DataBankList> <ChemicalList> <Chemical> <RegistryNumber>0</RegistryNumber> <NameOfSubstance>Antipsychotic Agents</NameOfSubstance> </Chemical> <Chemical> <RegistryNumber>0</RegistryNumber> <NameOfSubstance>Blood Glucose</NameOfSubstance> </Chemical> </ChemicalList> I'm not entirely sure how these relate to the articles in question, is the data bank source material or a result of the research, are the chemical references more like keywords, etc? It may be that we are not allowed to release this part of the data, but perhaps one day we will, and the relevance to the LLD IG is how this information should be treated if it were releasable, which is not at all clear to me. Cheers, -w -- William Waites <mailto:ww@styx.org> http://river.styx.org/ww/ <sip:ww@styx.org> F4B3 39BF E775 CF42 0BAB 3DF0 BE40 A6DF B06F FD45
Received on Monday, 9 May 2011 08:43:30 UTC