Re: Draft report and use cases

Hi Karen,

> I know that Jodi's transclusion of the use cases into the draft report is not intended to be a final version, but I still feel that the use cases themselves should NOT be in the report EXCEPT as what we learned from them. They are background data for our information.

By "use cases" do you mean here "clusters"? Of course I agree that the individual use cases should not be in the report, except perhaps as a list in the appendix document(s).
As for the clusters, I am still convinced that we can still get some stuff from the "Scenarios (Extracted Use Cases)" sections of the cluster to populate the "use cases" section of the report. And from the "Vocabularies and Technologies" and "Problems and Limitations" sections, so as to populate sections 1.4 and 1.5 of the report [1]. Even though here they could just be used as background, as you suggest.

And they would still go in a side appendix document. Note that I'm not saying that it should happen now. Just trying to make sure we won't throw them away, and that if someone wants to volunteer at [2], she or he should not be afraid of it. This is work that will have to be done at one point.

> I also feel that the use cases are not terribly representative of the primary issues that we face for linked library data. Some are highly specific, almost marginal, projects. None addresses the 'elephant in the room', which is that libraries have huge amounts of catalog data, mostly in ISBD-ish or a MARC-like format. This data is really not data, it is primarily text, and is therefore NOT suitable for linked data without some major transformation. In addition, there is (at least in the library world I am familiar with) no major library institution taking leadership in this area, and one major library institution that is actively preventing the open use of library data.

OK. Correct me if I'm wrong: what you suggest amounts more-or-less to getting back to , identifying priorities there, and trying to get some text for them, doesn't it?
I can't think this long list missed an important issue of our domain :-)

> I don't see how we can produce a report that doesn't address these core issues.

Me neither!



Received on Thursday, 17 February 2011 17:30:09 UTC