Re: is FRBR relevant?

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Karen Coyle <> wrote:

> For example, you code an ebook as a book in electronic form, not as a
> series of bits. You code an mp3 as a song, not as a file.
> This follows library practice where the physical format (bound paper,
> electronic file, CD) is considered secondary.
Karen, I generally agree with this summary but would amend it slightly.
 Instead of:

"You code an mp3 as a song, not as a file."

I'd say:

"You code an mp3 /first/ as a song and then as a file.  Then link the file
resource to the song resource (but probably not the other way around)."

The actual mp3 attributes are important (bitrate, location, rights, etc.),
but most people care about the song rather than the file.  I'm much more
concerned (at first) with the scope of your music collection, rather than
the size of disk space it consumes, for example.

That said, I'm not sure how this applies to subject headings -- I am
actually not sure of the difference between the concept and the label, does
a heading that gets a new label keep the same LCCN?


Received on Wednesday, 11 August 2010 17:02:53 UTC