Re: PLEASE READ: Prioritization questionnaire

There is no way in the survey to do that, and that is on purpose.   
 From a standards perspective the only difference between the two is  
one of timing, and I have seen groups spend absurd amounts of time  
trying to distinguish (as a group) between the two when what really  
matters most is what people are willing to work on *today*.

Essentially anything that we do not want today will only happen in the  
future if there is interest to work on it at that time.

Now, if what you want is a way to say "we should never do that, for  
any reason, at any time between now and infinity", that is a  
discussion that will only be necessary if there is otherwise  
resounding interest in actually doing that thing now.  I am sure that  
a discussion will ensue in that situation, questionnaire or no  

The goal here is to have a general priority ordering on which  
requirements fulfill the interests of the broadest numbers of  
organizations (as a proxy for the industry in general) so we can focus  
on those first.  We can work on supporting others later (only) as  
there is interest.

-- dan

On Jan 14, 2011, at 6:21 AM, Bjorn Bringert wrote:

> There is only a single boolean choice for each requirement. How should
> we express the distinction between "should not address" and "address
> later" (aka "do it in v2")?
> /Bjorn
> On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 2:43 AM, Dan Burnett <>  
> wrote:
>> Group,
>> The prioritization questionnaire is now ready and available at
>> As with the earlier requirements interest questionnaire, this one  
>> asks for
>> only one input per Member organization.  If you are not officially  
>> a member
>> of the Incubator Group, you should be :)  However, in the mean time  
>> you can
>> fill out the text version (linked from the page above) and send it  
>> to me,
>> Michael Bodell, or the list and we will incorporate it into the  
>> results.
>>  Please, only one reply per organization.
>> The questionnaire is open through Wednesday of next week.  If you  
>> need an
>> extension please let me know.
>> -- dan
> -- 
> Bjorn Bringert
> Google UK Limited, Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham
> Palace Road, London, SW1W 9TQ
> Registered in England Number: 3977902

Received on Friday, 14 January 2011 14:04:34 UTC