Re: [HTML Speech] Let's get started!

Thanks for getting us started Dan.

Some of us at Google have been working on a simple API for speech
recognition in HTML by extending editable HTML elements with a
'speech' attribute. A working draft is available at with the
requirements, use cases and the API proposal. We brought it up in the
WHATWG lists a few months ago and saw some positive interest, feedback
from which have been incorporated into the above proposal
However it is very much a work in progress and hopefully will provide
a good starting point for discussions.

In order to experiment with the API and get web developer feedback, we
are also currently adding the core features of this proposal to
Chromium and WebKit. This can be tested with the latest nightly build
of Google Chrome at (for
windows) and will be available in the upcoming developer release as
well. We already see a few web developers creating web pages
showcasing the feature (for e.g. and hope to
use it as a channel for feedback as we implement the XG's proposal in


Received on Monday, 6 September 2010 20:22:58 UTC