[HTML Speech] Let's get started!

Welcome, everyone!

Although a few folks are still having some difficulty getting signed  
up, including one of my co-chairs, I'd like us to go ahead and get  

I think the best way to begin is to ask right up front for the items  
we are interested in:  requirements, use cases, and proposals for  
changes to HTML.

If you have requirements, use cases, or proposals for changes to HTML,  
please send them in to this list.  When the trickle slows we'll look  
at what we have and decide on next steps.  For expediency, please plan  
to send in any such materials by Monday, September 13.

The charter states that we may need some conference calls initially to  
set direction.  I expect, in particular, that we will need one or more  
when we have some requirements, use cases, and proposals to discuss.
I will shortly be sending out a questionnaire for choosing a  
teleconference time.  Please look for it and complete it.

The next W3C-wide Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee meeting  
will be the first week of November in Lyon, France.  Since HTML, Voice  
Browser, and MMI Working Group participants will all already be there,  
it is a good candidate time for us to have a face-to-face meeting.
I have already spoken with the Voice Browser and MMI Working Group  
chairs to determine if it would be okay to take a bit of their groups'  
time (and meeting room space) for our group to meet, and they have  
said yes.
Because the groups are beginning to set their f2f agendas, we would  
need to make a decision fairly soon, say by mid-September.

Would anyone object to having a first face-to-face meeting at the  
Technical Plenary in France on both of the following dates/times:
November 2nd, afternoon (conflicts with HTML group, but we could ask  
for a joint meeting)
November 4th, morning

If you object, please say so on or before September 14th and we'll  
discuss it.

Thanks again for joining -- I'm looking forward to some productive  

-- Dan Burnett
HTML Speech XG Co-chair

Received on Monday, 6 September 2010 11:26:11 UTC