Re: [HTML Speech] Let's get started!

Hi all,

On 09/06/2010 10:48 PM, Satish Sampath wrote:
> Thanks for getting us started Dan.
> Some of us at Google have been working on a simple API for speech
> recognition in HTML by extending editable HTML elements with a
> 'speech' attribute. A working draft is available at
> with the
> requirements, use cases and the API proposal.

I was somewhat positive to the original proposal when there was just
simple speech input element. But the newer proposal adds speech 
attribute to many (somewhat random) form elements.
And yet it doesn't handle few
rather basic use cases like link activation.

I think we don't want to start adding "speech" to all sorts of
elements. Different elements need different speech recognition result
X+V is kind of an example when special casing elements
starts to make the "API" (X+V doesn't really have an API) awkward.
Same could be said about multimodal CSS.

So I think we should have something closer to "simplified" SALT;
simple API to control ASR and TTS.
Even if the first version would support only ASR, we must keep TTS
handling in mind all the time.

  We brought it up in the
> WHATWG lists a few months ago and saw some positive interest, feedback
> from which have been incorporated into the above proposal
> (
> and
> However it is very much a work in progress and hopefully will provide
> a good starting point for discussions.
> In order to experiment with the API and get web developer feedback, we
> are also currently adding the core features of this proposal to
> Chromium and WebKit.

Hopefully you prefix all the methods and events with chromium or webkit ;)

> This can be tested with the latest nightly build
> of Google Chrome at (for
> windows) and will be available in the upcoming developer release as
> well. We already see a few web developers creating web pages
> showcasing the feature (for e.g.
> and hope to
> use it as a channel for feedback as we implement the XG's proposal in
> future.


> Cheers
> Satish

Received on Tuesday, 7 September 2010 17:14:26 UTC