Re: Federated Social Web Europe attendees?...

> On 05/11/2011 01:37 PM, Daniel Harris wrote:
>> If it is a policy of the organisers not to release the names of those
>> attending the Summit
> Without express statement from the participants (which has not been
> asked for AFAICS) german data protection rules kick in which do not
> allow such a disclosure.

FYI, at W3C workshops its usual to have a participants list at the event
that we give to other participants, and I think we'll do the same here. Do
people really want a list beforehand?

 Also, if you haven't booked your tickets, do so soonish. Right now papers
are under review, so expect a full schedule out sometime next week.

> So without knowing the factual background, I would conclude the names
> will not be released prior to the event.
> However, at the event normally every attendant will get a participant
> list.
> Jan
> --
> Jan Wildeboer - -
> Open Source Evangelist. Open Standards Fundamentalist.
> Software Patents worst nightmare. Decentralizing whatever exists.
> Citizen of the first Transnational Republic

Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2011 17:45:29 UTC