Re: [Backplane XG] Updated final report

On  17-Oct-2009, at 23:00 , Charles F Wiecha wrote:

> All -- attached is the final report updated with references and  
> edited long descriptions to line up with correct figures. I've  
> reluctantly followed the practice of other XG's in hardcoding the  
> section numbers to avoid the previous problems with the CSS  
> autonumbering on different browsers. I *still* have to make a final  
> pass for the real editing so it will be a few days before we can  
> make the publication request...deadline for that before TPAC is Oct  
> 27.
> I would appreciate any -1's ASAP if you have problems releasing  
> essentially this text for publication...otherwise, I will proceed to  
> final editing for readability etc and request publication  
> shortly...Thanks, Charlie

I still see various "..." in the introduction. Am I looking at the  
correct version?

As I'm going to be offline for the rest of the week I'll put in my  
comments anyway.

Section 2, last three paragraphs.
- "section one/two/three"  have no clear mapping to chapter numbers,  
could you add those?
- Could you mention the conclusions section separately, and state that  
we suggest future work there (so people will at least read that)?

Section 3
- The first time we use RIA, should we define the acronym?
- The "return to text" link at the end of the figure 1 longdesc  
doesn't work for me (it opens the directory containing all the html  

That's all, I guess.
Jack Jansen, <>,
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Received on Sunday, 18 October 2009 20:52:02 UTC