ACTION-2060: Provide text for processing of whitespace mip
ACTION-2061 - Update the includenamespaceprefixes example
ACTION-2061: Update the includenamespaceprefixes example
ACTION-2062: Fix the serialisation text as in
ACTION-2063: Add text about where to send comments
ACTION-2064: Track down what happened to transform()
ACTION-2065 - Reinstate xforms-binding-error for multiple
ACTION-2065: Reinstate xforms-binding-error for multiple mips
Agenda 2015-04-20
Agenda 2016-04-06
Agenda 2016-04-13
Mention application/json and text/csv under 7.9.5 Serialization
Minutes 2015-04-20
Minutes 2016-04-06
Minutes 2016-04-13
Multiple whitespace MIPs for the same value
question and meta-question about XForms 2.0 and the expression module
Review section 7.1: includenamespaceprefixes
Revised text for Whitespace MIP
Last message date: Wednesday, 27 April 2016 16:29:55 UTC