Minutes: WSC face-to-face 2007-01-30

The minutes of our face-to-face meeting on 30 January have been
approved. They are publicly visible here:


I'm including a text version below.

Thanks to Tony Nadalin, Bob Pinheiro, and George Staikos for scribing.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <tlr@w3.org>

                         WSC WG face-to-face San Jose

30 Jan 2007


   See also: [3]IRC log



          Nadalin, tlr, Bob, staikos


     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Intro
         2. [6]Agenda
         3. [7]Note
         4. [8]Section 8
         5. [9]break
         6. [10]section 8.2, poorly defined role for chrome
         7. [11]8.3
         8. [12]Petname demo
         9. [13]Extended Validation Certificates
        10. [14]9.1
     * [15]Summary of Action Items


   Introductions around the table.


   <tlr> [16]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/note/

   <Tyler> [17]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/note/Overview.html

   We are lucky as we are going to get a "word" from the editor on the note

   We will get through the note by end of aternoon break

   We will then have some lovely demos

   Will talk about a safe browsing mode proposal

   Tomorrow we will "swing" around and talk about recomendations


   <beltzner>     proposed     revised    schedule    for    the    Note:

   Disscussions on document time line

   When to do first public working drafts

   <tlr> editor's draft just means that there hasn't been a decision of the
   group to publish the thing

   need to get a date for public working draft, target April ?

   full editor's draft "may" posible in April, working draft may be a out a

   a separate mailing list is setup for comments on Working Draft

   With working draft a patent call for exclusions is done

   3rd F2F in June, is this the correct timing ?

   3rd F2F maybe Dublin, is that too far ?

   Will we have a 4th F2F ?

   target November for LC

   <staikos> Note: travel from Toronto to Dublin gets much easier after June 17

   Discussions on testing

   hal: Can this be done remote ?

   need a facility that can handle inviting prople and the process, need some
   useability folks

   November is a traget for testing, so need to start now

   Rachna will lead the testing phase

   So what will be the population of the testing?

   are we going to document results or are we going to put that into best

   So maybe both ?

   George: has been "hacking" a brain dead browser, so no legacy, very basic
   ... this may be a great bed for testing

   <staikos> also this browser is portable to Windows, Mac OS, and Linux

   What kind os scenarios we will test aginst ?

   <tlr> [20]http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#cfr

   Question over testing, so do we need add an addtional testing cycle ? as we
   are doing testing early and we may learn things that may make us go back

   Do we have "wiggle" room if we have issues durring LC ?

   Stuart: What happens if the charter gets in our way, couls we address this?

   Thomas: yes there is room and ways to do this


   tyler: a "word" (or maybe open doc) from the editor
   ... if you can't see your chnages in the doc, please contact me

   tyler: please look at the wiki to see if there are any questions
   ... sections 2-8 seem to be in good shae, please read this over
   ... section 9 still has open issues and need s more work

   tyler: once section 9 is complete this would be a good editor's draft

   mez: please document your changes on the wiki

   thomas: issue tracking through tracker

   <tlr> ACTION: thomas explain issue raising process on public mailing list
   [recorded in [21]http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action01]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-93 - Explain issue raising process on public
   mailing list [on Thomas Roessler - due 2007-02-06].

   tyler: done

   mez: do folks have a real understanding of tje "note"

   thomas: this is what we are going to address/do so need to make that very
   clear to public

Section 8

   mez: tyler did most of content to this section

   <tlr> [22]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/note/#problems

   thomas: wants to change the title ...
   ... maybe change section into what is working and what is not working ...

   hal: section is all about chrome, and thus no problems with anything else
   but chrome

   thomas: maybe "review of status quo" would be a better title

   tyler: if there is anything that is true about the 'staus quo" that is not
   there already please input

   phb: thinks that crypto is stable in status quo

   <tlr> ACTION: hallam-baker to draft subsections for 8 about "compelling user
   interface", crypto [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-94 - Draft subsections for 8 about \"compelling
   user interface\", crypto [on Phillip Hallam-Baker - due 2007-02-06].

   tyler: please point out opinion vs. fact vs. fiction

   stuart: what is the "status quo" section really about ? user interface ?

   tyler: section prior describes the scope
   ... we have in/out of scope sections

   stuart: I'm really confused
   ... what is the basic goal of the user ?

   tyler: look at the use case section

   hal: there is more to user interface than the chrome so need to have that

   thomas: some of the use cases need a clearer question, example 6.14
   ... need to add addtional questions in section 6

   mez: are we up to 8.1 YET ?

   <tlr>  ACTION: stuart to review use cases, suggest reorganization, ...
   [recorded in [24]http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action03]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-95 - Review use cases, suggest reorganization, ...
   [on Stuart Schechter - due 2007-02-06].

   please everyone work on use cases !!!

   tyler: overview of section 8
   ... describes the problems with section 7
   ... split into 4 areas
   ... section 8 is about different levels of attacks
   ... 8.2 is about the indicators in the chrome
   ... 8.1 is about the spoofing the chrome

   hal: need some definitions here

   <bwporter> I'm noting that everything is focused on user->site trust... but
   there are other issues like user personal information... cookies, password
   management, form auto-fill

   <bwporter> there is also the problem that user->site isn't sufficient as
   certain web pages show content from other sites embedded (ads primarily)

   <bwporter> not sure where the right point in the agenda to bring this up?

   thomas: need a glossary

   mez: Tim main goal in life is to define a glossary

   <tlr>  ACTION:  hahn to draft initial outline of glossary [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-96 - Draft initial outline of glossary [on Tim
   Hahn - due 2007-02-06].

   mez: can we notify folks of actions ?

   thomas: send email

   hal: lets use the RFC 2828 Internet Security Glossary as the base

   tyler: 8.3 is about the folks don't understand the indicator's
   ... the current chrome is not chrome...
   ... need definition of chrome ASAP ...

   phb: if we don't know what chrome how can we explain this to users
   ... it's poorly defined
   ... confused on the indicators meanings

   <beltzner> definition of "chrome" from Wikipedia: "The visible graphical
   interface features of an application are sometimes referred to as "chrome".
   They include graphical elements (widgets) that may be used to interact with
   the program. Common widgets are: windows, buttons, menus, and scroll bars.
   Larger widgets, such as windows, usually provide a frame or container for
   the main presentation content such as a web page, email message or drawing.
   Smaller ones usually act

   thomas: folks here seems to have a misunderstanding of section 8

   <staikos> Do I understand that we have a "poor understanding of the poor
   understanding portion" of the document?

   <staikos> haha

   thomas: part of what is meant is a separation of what is under the contol of
   the user and what is under the control of the attackers

   mez: let's suggest real wording chnages

   thomas: proposed restructure of section 8

   <tlr> [26]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/note/#problems

   mez: call to order

   tyler: section 8.4 is about where the chrome never gets noticed by the user

   <bwporter> Recommendation: Rename section 8 to "Analysis of problems with
   browser chrome"

   hal: there may be other things besides the chrome so maybe add a new section

   phb: too focused on technology, and need to focus on how to focus the user
   ... need new section for user interactions/tasks

   tyler: add new subsections to 9.1 to cover phb's issues

   <yngve> phillip has a very good point about how intrusive a security or a
   non-security indicator can be.

   <yngve>  Example:  how  quickly  do  people  turn off the "you are now
   entering/leaving a secure site" dialog? My opinion: very quickly.

   thomas: 8 is focued on the visual desktop, and we need to get folks on
   useability issues
   ... other user agents besides the desktop

   tyler: anyone use a agnet besides desktop, like a mobile browers ?

   thomas: no mobile folks here...
   ... maybe other small/mobile browsers ...

   <yngve> I do not usually work with/on a phone, but security informayion
   usability on phones is a problem due to less area for the chrome, currently
   not solved.


   <bwporter> Recommendation: It may be helpful to restruction section 8 to
   organize the information as follows

   <bwporter> a) Content<->chrome boundary

   <bwporter> b) User perceptions of chrome

   <bwporter> c) Analysis of individual chrome elements

   <beltzner> tjh: the chaos you're hearing is that we're on break

   <tjh> ok, thanks.

   <beltzner> Recommendation: building on what PHB suggested, we might wish to
   either add a section or a subsection which illustrates the user's mental
   model as they walk through a common, generalized case of accomplishing a
   task. Perhaps that goes in S9?

   <tjh> unfortunately, after all that - I must drop to take another call.

   mez: any other issues with section 8 ?

   flow chart for our algorithm

   <beltzner>  staikos, I changed your document so that the screenshot is
   actually shown inline

   Note should call out stuff that is the chrome that really should not show
   user and what stuff the user really needs to see

   mez: any proposal to restructure section 8 needs to be concrete

   <tlr>  PROPOSED:  Content-Chrome  boundary; User perception of Chrome;
   Usability of individual elements

   <beltzner> [28]http://pastebin.mozilla.org/3341

   <scribe> new outline proposed

   <beltzner> [29]http://pastebin.mozilla.org/3341 updated

   thomas: seems to make it more clear
   ...  so  an issue is what the user understands and what user thinks is
   controlled by the chrome and what is controlled by the browser

   <beltzner> * (8.1.2)

   <beltzner> boo

   <beltzner> [30]http://pastebin.mozilla.org/3344 updated

   thomas: modification to proposal
   ... first talk about how things work today and then focus on the problems
   that this has caused

   tyler: does not want us to focus on the controls but focus on the high level

   tyler: explains current

   beltzner: problem -- padlock contributes to more
   ... express the theme, give a single example, then break out control by
   control ...
   ... people suggest the latter might be an easier way to read the document

   stuart: maybe some controls aren't repeated the way they should be
   ... like having a whole load of examples under certain things; makes it
   clearer that problem is endemic ...
   ... if you break it down by control, it's control-centric, and you lose the
   three problems that are universal ...

   brad: works pretty well for some of the things, but if you want "supposed to
   do, perception, gaps", you don'T want to separate these

   stuart: there's another view of the world in which you take a user example
   ... first look at this, then at that ...
   ... process-centric view of the world ...
   ... what are we supposed to be telling users?
   ... if they want to have an expectation ...
   ... process-centric view is lost in both ways to present the thing ...
   ... not necessarily a defect ...
   ... can't do three perspectives at once ...
   ... that's there ...

   mez: think that somebody needs to volunteer to restructure the information
   in this section, if it's to be restructured

   tyler: maybe defer until we are through the actual content?


   tyler: <summarizes 8.1>

   rob: is the "outer chrome off screen" attack feasible with current browsers?
   ... note should reflect what state of the world of first-generation browsers
   is ...
   ... second generation browsers also susceptible ...
   ... there's first vs. second gen attacks ...
   ... particularly because consumed more broadly ...
   ... want to understand size of the gap ...
   ... not presenting realistic picture ...

   brad: negative coordinates seem to work with IE6

   beltzner: if you can, it's a security bug
   ... should be fixed everywhere except in linux/gtk ...

   staikos: we spent an entire week on this

   <staikos> (in 2002)

   <staikos> 5 years ahead!!

   <scribe>  ACTION:  beltzner  to  seed  and  drive  process to document
   current-generation   undocumented  safeguards  in  wiki  [recorded  in

   <trackbot>  Created  ACTION-97  -  Seed  and drive process to document
   current-generation undocumented safeguards in wiki [on Mike Beltzner - due

   tyler: mention names?

   tlr: I think documenting is fine as long as it's factual; also, we've got
   the affected parties in the room

   mez: 8.1.2, then lunch

   <scribe>  ACTION:  Thomas  to track Rachna adding references for 8.1.2
   [recorded in [32]http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action06]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-98 - Track Rachna adding references for 8.1.2 [on
   Thomas Roessler - due 2007-02-06].

   beltzner: issue with pop-ups that mimic chrome

   tyler: 8.1.3?

   rachna:  definition  of chrome -- relationship to security information
   delivered inside page?

   franco: (explains IE practice -- somebody else please fill in)

   tyler: the user agent could display information within the same coordinates
   ... visually extending the chrome that way might be a problem ...

   rachna: block page

   tyleR: different problem

   <scribe>  ACTION:  thomas to track Rachna to draft text for section 8,
   covering "block pages" [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-99 - Track Rachna to draft text for section 8,
   covering \"block pages\" [on Thomas Roessler - due 2007-02-06].

   tyler: 8.1.3 is about pop-up windows which don't show the usual chrome;
   visited web site can render content that can behave exactly like chrome, but
   with site-chosen behavior

   brad: is that allowed in modern browsers?

   tyler: yes, I tested it

   rob: remove which pieces of chrome?

   tyler: yeah

   rachna: umh

   tyler: none of the usual things under the window title

   rachna: that's not "no chrome"

   rob: create popup method that lets you paint window inside window ...
   ... but what you're looking for is a popup window that's just the title bar
   ... could have address bar and stuff ...
   ... situation in which v2 browsers hvae done some things ...
   ... know that gerve did work in firefox ...

   tyler: that doesn't actually work
   ... at least in firefox 2 ...

   rob: ie7 ...

   beltzner: ... does the right thing

   yngve: if pop-up is opened without address bar, you have collapsed one,
   possibly yellow indicating that it's secure ...
   ... case with Opera as of at least version 8 ...
   ... don't remember exact version ...
   ... but problem is that collapsed address bar may be a little bit too small
   and easy to ignore ...
   ... not permitting a collapsed address bar at all? ...
   ... at the moment not getting everybody to agree on that ...
   ... finely tuned pop-ups ...
   ... precise pixel-size pop-ups ...
   ... that don't get displayed properly ...

   tyler: to verify on IE7, all chrome indicators present?

   rob: windows from the internet zone always have status and address bars ...

   rob: title bar is another one ...

   tyler: so some address bar widget is on every window?

   rob: some yes, including lock icon in the address bar ..
   ... if you are at confirmed phishing site, red, and page becomes error page
   ... yellow for suspicious ...
   ... typically get the lock icon in the status bar as well, not sure why you
   don't get it in the demo ...
   ... information bar about things that were stopped ...

   stuart: why is it in the page area?

   rachna: it's more visually distinct in IE7 than in Firefox ...

   tyler: indicator slightly better in IE7 ...

   rob: thing to keep in mind, I'm at a site I expect to be at, something's odd

   stuart: positive v. negative indicators?

   rob: implicit, not well-broadcast
   ... no conditioning for legitimate sites to possibly have that positive
   indicators ...
   ... found that a lot of users have come to ignore info bar ...
   ... would expect that you don't need to interact with info bar in order to
   continue browsing; people ignore it ...

   tyleR: people could paint "verified by visa" in that style

section 8.2, poorly defined role for chrome

   real chrome, not spoofed, what are problems

   all indicators displayed in chrome are chosen by attacker, can fool the user

   put better motivation into the text, like you spoke it

   attacker has only some control, so how can attacker choose what is seen?

   discussion with IE for how EV cert is displayed

   EV cert displays name of CA, organization name

   yngve:  anything we can do in URL bar? some info that atacker has full
   control over

   mez: what do we mean by control

   text string that shows up on screen is put there by attacker

   tlr: nervous about mixing attacks where the attacker choses arbitrary stuff
   and attacks where the attacker has to go through administrative processes
   and the like

   stuart: disagree with assumption that attacker can put any pixels out there

   need to id who you are talking to

   PHB: not too much phishing going on where there is any authentication; most
   is where there is no authentication

   can't make it imposible for attacker to get cert; but can make it much

   MEZ: propose alternatives for the text?

   hal: attacker can choose confusing url constructions;...
   ...  our  charter  is about displaying secure info accurately, what is
   displayed in URL isnt in?

   <tlr> s/hal: is/hal: our charter is/

   8.2.3 attacker can choose url in other ways

   web page can choose to show any logo it chooses

   clarify that webpage is making decision about what to display

   if network attack, display may not have anything to do with website

   what is intent of fabricant?

   <tlr> ACTION: thomas to propose alternative wording for 8.2.3 [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-100 - Propose alternative wording for 8.2.3 [on
   Thomas Roessler - due 2007-02-06].

   <Mez> Tyler, is there a ref for Favicon? If so, can it be added?

   is there a favicon reference

   <tlr> ACTION: zurko to suggest favorite favicon reference [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-101 - Suggest favorite favicon reference [on Mary
   Ellen Zurko - due 2007-02-06].

   <yngve> Wikipedia [36]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon

   8.2.4 padlock atttacker choosees whether is on or off

   attacker can use ssl certificate? no attackers decision, can tell browser
   whether to turn on or off

   <tlr>  ACTION:  tyler  to switch order of 8.2.3 and 8.2.4 [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-102 - Switch order of 8.2.3 and 8.2.4 [on Tyler
   Close - due 2007-02-06].

   site author's actions will influence how browser displays things;

   8.2.5 rehash of 8.2.2 firefox repeats host name taken from url; is the one
   attacker chose; with javascript can override

   any indicators in major browsers not in note, except status bar

   <tlr> ACTION: beltzner to propose descriptive text on firefox anti-phishing
   UI (for 8.2) [recorded in

   <trackbot>  Created  ACTION-103  - Propose descriptive text on firefox
   anti-phishing UI (for 8.2) [on Mike Beltzner - due 2007-02-06].

   <tlr>  ACTION:  tyler  to  extend  8.2.1  by  tab  title  [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-104 - Extend 8.2.1 by tab title [on Tyler Close -
   due 2007-02-06].

   <tlr> beltzner: notification / information bar

   <tlr> rachna: other dialogues

   <tlr> ACTION: beltzner to propose text on notifiaction / information bar
   [recorded in [40]http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action13]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-105 - Propose text on notifiaction / information
   bar [on Mike Beltzner - due 2007-02-06].

   what is chrome? diaglog boxes should be included

   <tlr> ACTION: Zurko to start discussion on mailing list to draw chrome items
   out and get analysis completed [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-132 - Start discussion on mailing list to draw
   chrome items out and get analysis completed [on Mary Ellen Zurko - due

   everything that people are bringing up are things attacker is choosing to
   make display

   phishers with certs are a non problem today

   8.3 whole semantics around url depends on whether padlock is present

   <tlr> ACTION: beltzner to propose clarifying language for 8.2.5 [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-106 - Propose clarifying language for 8.2.5 [on
   Mike Beltzner - due 2007-02-06].


   8.3 user perceptions - summarized 3 of major results of user studies

   cite the 3 studies

   <beltzner> ACTION: beltzner to create a library of testcases / examples of
   attacks listed in section 8 [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-107 - Create a library of testcases / examples of
   attacks listed in section 8 [on Mike Beltzner - due 2007-02-06].

   cite user studies for each point being made

   <tlr> ACTION: thomas to track rachna to contribute more studies for 8.3
   [recorded in [44]http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action18]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-108 - Track rachna to contribute more studies for
   8.3 [on Thomas Roessler - due 2007-02-06].

   padlock icon - users believe it means security is present but studies show
   they don't really understand

   does padlock come up for any ssl? if domain matches cert

   <beltzner>  the  steps  required  to  get the padlock in KDE are here:

   note contains much of padlock mechanisms; should make bigger point of what
   user studies show

   <yngve> Opera differentates padlock levels (1-3). domain must match for
   level 3 (if using strong crypto). non match means level 1 (and in v9 no

   <tlr> ACTION: brandon to propose more elaborate text for 8.3.1 ("padlock
   icon") [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-109 - to propose more elaborate text for 8.3.1
   (\"padlock icon\") [on Brandon Porter - due 2007-02-06].

   should stuff on mechanism be here?

   blacklist is out of scope

   do we want to go deeper to mention what state browsers is being displayed
   with padlock icon

   <tlr> Use section 7 to drill down on what SSL icon *really* means; processes
   used to verify icons.

   8.3.2 rewrite of first 3 sentences

   issue is "earlier components are subordinate to later components" what does
   subordinate mean

   host names: like first names, last names

   how can host name be presented to user? we're not interested in solutions

   <tlr> beltzner: users believe the first part of a domain name is important,
   when it's not

   <beltzner> I think the problem is that 8.3.2 is worded in a needlessly
   complex manner, as opposed to saying "users think that the first string in a
   domain name is important or controlled, and it isn't"

   <beltzner> or what tlr said

   <tlr> rachna: it's any string in it

   <scribe> new section 8.2 what can you do given attacker has control over
   specific strings

   <tlr>  phb: needs to be URL attacks, not just host name attacks -- new
   section in 8.2

   <beltzner> ACTION: tyler to create new subsection under 8.2 to classify
   types of attacks [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-110 - Create new subsection under 8.2 to classify
   types of attacks [on Tyler Close - due 2007-02-06].

   do browsers cut off beginning of url

   <tlr> ACTION: tyler to track rob tracking URL scrolling issues [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-111 - Track rob tracking URL scrolling issues [on
   Tyler Close - due 2007-02-06].

   8.3.3 security tool bar chrome versus page distinction does not exist in
   users mind

   need to be clearer on definition of "most user"

   <staikos> I don't really believe there is a valid "most user" :)

   point of this section is identity things we need to improve on when making
   recommendations, such as "chrome" and "page'

   <bwporter>  ACTION:  brad to offer text suggestion around "many users"
   [recorded in [49]http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action24]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-133 - Offer text suggestion around \"many users\"
   [on Brandon Porter - due 2007-02-13].

   <tlr>    ACTION:    thomas    to    rewrite    8.3.2    [recorded   in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-112 - Rewrite 8.3.2 [on Thomas Roessler - due

   should 8.4.1 be in 8.3?

   8.3.3. have def of chrome but not def of page

   <tlr>  ACTION:  stuart to suggest "page" definition for Tim's glossary
   [recorded in [51]http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action26]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-113 - Suggest \"page\" definition for Tim\'s
   glossary [on Stuart Schechter - due 2007-02-06].

   cant expect users to understand diff between page and chrome?

   8.4 if user understand what indicators are, are there still problems? this
   points out what user studies have shown

   when browsing web, never really need to look at chrome, so what is the point
   of putting stuff in chrome

   <tlr> ACTION: thomas to track rachna suggesting alternative wording for
   8.4.1 [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-114 - Track rachna suggesting alternative wording
   for 8.4.1 [on Thomas Roessler - due 2007-02-06].

   8.4.2 hard for users to recognize when something is missing, so maybe adding
   decorations for user to notice isn't effective

   8.4.3 dialog boxes dont give user reasonable options, so users hit OK button

   <yngve>  About  8.4.3 there are at least as far as I can tell very few
   reasonable choices. usually just proceed or stop. The only other option to
   asking  the  user this would be to choose one of these, but which one,
   combined with what explanations/indications are the ones that are best/most
   secure for the user? If we err on the side of caution, the users might not
   be able to do what they want to do and know are safe, while we may protect
   them from a number of

   <yngve> possible dangers. Let the users through with some UI indication and
   they will beable to do what they want, but they are also free to ignore the
   warnings and do something they will regret.

   <beltzner> Tyler, [53]http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/its-a-trap.html

   <tlr> scribenick: staikos

Petname demo

   Pet name demo

   Tyler: Pet name a is a firefox extension that can be downloaded from the
   add-on site
   ... people have "relationships" in the real world and make associations with
   ... want to have the same associations on the web
   ... adds a lineedit toolbar. type in, ex: "dyndns" - goes to the appropriate
   ... shows "untrusted" in pet name field when site is unknown
   ... simply type in a text name to remember the site
   ...  also  reminds you that you have been at a site if you go there by
   navigating links
   ... can add more information

   mez: (missed question)

   tyler: deployment experience

   tyler: failings exist...

   Hal: questions about all the input fields in the chrome

   tyler: demos usage of firefox without url bar, only petnames + search + tabs

   possible memory burden, like passwords

   tyler: okay that it is guessable

   But how many users will actually take time / effort to assign petnames?

   No hard data on this

   Banking is by far most popular usage

   steep drop off beyond that in terms of usage

   petname in url bar is slightly more spoofable (idea brought up by Mike)

   tab title is a possible place to put the pet name

   however petname applies site-wide, title is page-scope

   generating chrome pattern skin to avoid pic-in-pic?

   reports say they may not be working

   wants to see a cartoon char in far-left of chrome

   <beltzner> (cite: Jackson & Microsoft Research, recent study on EV certs
   showed that even difference in chrome colouration didn't significantly
   improve picture-in-picture recognition)

   another problem; it's yet another chrome indicator and therefore users may
   not look there actively

   would like to see user/password entry fields out of content region

   (see also: cardspace, kwallet, web wallet, ...)

   could warn when sending passwords to new sites

   keeping reliable info at bottom of region in particular to separate it from
   things like urls that are provided from possibly untrusted content

   rob: giving feedback on risky actions is good if we can find consistent ways
   to do it, but the bottom of the page is risky

   too many confusing widgets nearby

   IE uses it for low-value notifications

   (discussion of implementations of other systems)

   form fill might be workable in the bottom but security notifications there
   are risky

   Stuart: why not using existing bookmark interface?

   tyler: easy, I am!

   petnames automatically creates a bookmark when you create a petname, and the
   petname bookmark can be used for navigation

   maritzaj: like the positive or interrogative boxes vs negative message boxes

   tyler can keep talking if we want, but that means scribe has to keep typing

   so vote is no

   tyler: petnames is also great for banks that have multiple sites

   uses information from the SSL cert

  Extended Validation Certificates

   See: [54]slides

   PHB: scope of EV: limited
   ... ev is about accountability, which is not security, but enables security
   ... in the past: internet access was expensive ...

   today we have: impersonation, can't see when it's safe or not safe, and DV

   DV certs solve some classes of problems

   (DV = domain validated)

   Ev objectives: increase accountability, confidence, and inform suspicious

   biggest bank costs is not direct fraud, but customer help desk calls

   stretch goal: protect naive user

   mez: increasing confidence of users while not protecting them. excellent.

   beltzner: improved user experience is not addressed strictly in EV

   EV in IE7 demo

   mez:display  switches  over  between  different  data -- accessibility

   rob:  UI  challenges  exist,  but our implementation does pass US govt
   accessibliity requirements

   phb: user experience changes are shallow, but testing shows that users
   notice the UI indicator
   ... disagrees with the recent study bashing EV

   rob: pic in pic attack is definitely real. we expect site ops to communicate
   and educate users

   pic in pic can be defeated with education

   not all agree

   One study showed that the red bar trumped the green one and that was what
   stood out in memory

   (debate ensues about how good the IE7 UI decisions were)

   mez: we should get data on this

   two studies are coming on this

   one from CMU, one from usable security

   reports conflict

   in the past, training was hard because the UI was hard. better UI makes
   training easier

   back to the PHB show

   CA-browser forum: defining minimum criteria for authentication

   consists of most browser developers, most CAs

   tyler: what about name collisions?

   phb: name+jurisdiction is they primary key

   is this vulnerable to trademark phishing?

   obtaining the cert requires display of incorporation documents, address for
   legal processes, display of accountability for that name

   We have an accountability trail now

   beltzner: this has been reviewed rigorously by authorities (ex: top legal

   people will try to attack it



   Revocation changes with EV....

   eventually OCSP is mandatory with ~1 hr update cycles

   rob: we need to be positive in our report too. talk about all the great
   improvements we've made.

   beltzner: speaking slowly
   ... we would do better to separate UI EV aspects from the spec when we talk
   about it...
   ... this demo mixes the two ...
   ... EV is a huge leap in information available ...
   ... green bar is a step up, but small step relative to what could be there

   mez: tones will not be scribed in docs

   rob: balance++

   tyler: EV attempts to address phishing through cost increases
   ... this increases costs for everyone ...
   ... requires $100k/year to justify an EV cert ...

   beltzner:  EV  spec doesn't need to be consistent with W3C. I am a big
   opponent of current EV spec but hope to support it someday
   ... SMB issue is a special case, and market will improve costs
   ... EV is there to identify, not to verify ...
   ... does not address business practices ...

   stuart: how does economy of scale apply?

   phb: costs : paying the CA, but also the procedures involved
   ... complainers dont' even have SSL certs and are just making noise ...
   ... back to the regularly scheduled show ...
   ... "Opinion letter" ...
   ... allows extending the model to more than just the business name ...
   ... brands, logos, BBB rating, etc ...
   ... for non-inc businesses, could use "Merchant Acquirer Agreement" ...
   ... some issues exists ...

   fancy logotype demo

   ... logotypes are not part of CA-Browser forum ...
   ... but they should use EV as a minimum security level ...

   (details about the contents of EV spec)

   tyler: EV spec focuses on true name - is this really the phishing problem?
   ... maybe the relationship is more of an issue ...
   ... "is this -my- bank" ...

   (search for a usecase for the EV model)

   6.12 maybe

   ... bob could share FSTC cases with us...

   Bob: very narrow scope, maybe not relevant

   PHB: (explanation of the OID system in EV roots. ref: CA-Browser forum)

   beltzner: dont' know where it should go but we need "current limitations" in
   the document

   bwporter: cost burden is shifted in the different approaches
   ... where could it be shifted? ...

   Tyler: can we quantify the user-burden?

   mez: groupware is an analogy

   <tlr> ACTION: zurko to contribute reference on cost/benefit questions in
   usability [recorded in

   <trackbot>  Created  ACTION-115 - Contribute reference on cost/benefit
   questions in usability [on Mary Ellen Zurko - due 2007-02-07].

   Tyler: burden with petnames is small

   <maritzaj> [57]http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/note/

Discussion of section 9.1

   maritzaj: things to keep in mind
   ... Affordance ...
   ... Lock icon clcikability is not clear ...
   ... Conceptual model - info should be displayed in a way that the user
   understands that what s/he thinks is happening is actually happening ...

   Tyler: says the conceptual model is the user model
   ... discussion of password *ing case...

   (site could be stealing keys)

   (https may not be in use)

   hal: *s were never intended to indicate encryption or protection. it was
   just an anti-shoulder-surfing-mechanism

   mez: doesn't think it's been thought through

   2.1 appears to apply

   icons may be hard to describe though

   may be too narrow - maybe use "indicators"

   should be changed in the doc by Tyler

   tlr: why should it only be 1 conceptual model?

   mez: maybe there won't be just one, but there is no indication that -we-
   -want- to put out multiple...
   ... compare to cars: we want to be able to have everyone operate safely,
   even if they don't operate the same way ...
   ... discussion of mental model and whether or not to include it ...
   ... we should discourage indicators that lead to false mental models ...
   ... if conceptual model goes in, it needs to go in the glossary ..

   (so why put it in if we can't define it anyway?)

   ... there is a definition there and seems to be UI-expert-friendly ...

   beltzner: creating a mental model is an overwhelming task
   ... there appears to be a disconnect between what users think is happening
   and what actually is happening ...


   UI should be understandable (language, etc) to the user

   it should not be written in SHA-1

   introducing new terms in a limited sense can be good


   from Raskin's book

   habit formation happens, design around it

   9.1.5: single locus of attention

   then it's always in focus!!

   <tlr> staikos thinks we should put the padlock and EV indicator in the mouse

   256x256 pixels


   tyler: user can quickly forget what security indicator said

   mez: we made it to 9.1.5!!!

   <beltzner> staikos, meh, that's spoofable

   beltzner: okay, then 512x512 pixels

   we could put the url: bar in the mouse pointer too

 Summary of Action Items

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-93 - Explain issue raising process on public
   mailing list [on Thomas Roessler - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-94 - Draft subsections for 8 about \"compelling
   user interface\", crypto [on Phillip Hallam-Baker - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-95 - Review use cases, suggest reorganization, ...
   [on Stuart Schechter - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-96 - Draft initial outline of glossary [on Tim
   Hahn - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot>  Created  ACTION-97  -  Seed  and drive process to document
   current-generation undocumented safeguards in wiki [on Mike Beltzner - due

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-98 - Track Rachna adding references for 8.1.2 [on
   Thomas Roessler - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-99 - Track Rachna to draft text for section 8,
   covering \"block pages\" [on Thomas Roessler - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-100 - Propose alternative wording for 8.2.3 [on
   Thomas Roessler - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-101 - Suggest favorite favicon reference [on Mary
   Ellen Zurko - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-102 - Switch order of 8.2.3 and 8.2.4 [on Tyler
   Close - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot>  Created  ACTION-103  - Propose descriptive text on firefox
   anti-phishing UI (for 8.2) [on Mike Beltzner - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-104 - Extend 8.2.1 by tab title [on Tyler Close -
   due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-105 - Propose text on notifiaction / information
   bar [on Mike Beltzner - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-132 - Start discussion on mailing list to draw
   chrome items out and get analysis completed [on Mary Ellen Zurko - due

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-106 - Propose clarifying language for 8.2.5 [on
   Mike Beltzner - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-107 - Create a library of testcases / examples of
   attacks listed in section 8 [on Mike Beltzner - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-108 - Track rachna to contribute more studies for
   8.3 [on Thomas Roessler - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-109 - to propose more elaborate text for 8.3.1
   (\"padlock icon\") [on Brandon Porter - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-110 - Create new subsection under 8.2 to classify
   types of attacks [on Tyler Close - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-111 - Track rob tracking URL scrolling issues [on
   Tyler Close - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-133 - Offer text suggestion around \"many users\"
   [on Brandon Porter - due 2007-02-13].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-112 - Rewrite 8.3.2 [on Thomas Roessler - due

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-113 - Suggest \"page\" definition for Tim\'s
   glossary [on Stuart Schechter - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-114 - Track rachna suggesting alternative wording
   for 8.4.1 [on Thomas Roessler - due 2007-02-06].

   <trackbot>  Created  ACTION-115 - Contribute reference on cost/benefit
   questions in usability [on Mary Ellen Zurko - due 2007-02-07].

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [58]scribe.perl version 1.127 ([59]CVS
    $Date: 2007/02/06 13:03:47 $


   1. http://www.w3.org/
   2. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/f2f2
   3. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-irc
   4. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#agenda
   5. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#item01
   6. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#item02
   7. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#item03
   8. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#item04
   9. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#item05
  10. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#item06
  11. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#item07
  12. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#item08
  13. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#ev
  14. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#discuss9.1
  15. file://localhost/home/roessler/W3C/WWW/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#ActionSummary
  16. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/note/
  17. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/note/Overview.html
  18. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wsc-wg/2007Jan/0206.html
  19. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wsc-wg/2007Jan/0190
  20. http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#cfr
  21. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action01
  22. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/note/#problems
  23. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action02
  24. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action03
  25. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action04
  26. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/note/#problems
  27. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/wiki/NoteKDECertificateValidationErrors
  28. http://pastebin.mozilla.org/3341
  29. http://pastebin.mozilla.org/3341
  30. http://pastebin.mozilla.org/3344
  31. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action05
  32. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action06
  33. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action07
  34. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action08
  35. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action09
  36. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon
  37. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action10
  38. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action11
  39. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action12
  40. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action13
  41. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action15
  42. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action16
  43. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action17
  44. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action18
  45. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/wiki/NoteKDECertificateValidationErrors
  46. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action20
  47. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action22
  48. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action23
  49. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action24
  50. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action25
  51. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action26
  52. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action27
  53. http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/its-a-trap.html
  54. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/EV-WSC.pdf
  55. http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,128674-c,onlinesecurity/article.html
  56. http://www.w3.org/2007/01/30-wsc-minutes.html#action28
  57. http://www.w3.org/2006/WSC/drafts/note/
  58. http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
  59. http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Thursday, 15 February 2007 11:12:57 UTC