Re: Non-form-filler users (Was: PII Editor Bar & Trusted Browser Component)

On 2007-08-29 19:30:19 -0700, Ian Fette wrote:

> I think I just replied to this in a different fork of the thread,
> but I really don't buy into the assertion that users are going to
> become habituated enough that they refuse a different logon
> process out of suspicion.

My suspicion is that Tyler tries to play the habituated behavior
against a very easy hook to tell the browser where people really
want to go (and where, presumably, the usual behavior will work).

Basically, we win if people get to the site they wanted to, not just
when they get suspicious.  So anything that enables them to go to
their usual site will work.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Thursday, 30 August 2007 07:23:59 UTC