Re: issue 1 resolution

Pierre, sorry about taking so much time to reply,
the QNames you saw in the examples are gone now, they were a relic of
the past. 8-)
Now we use only URIs. Some examples use short relative URIs, they are
taken as relative to the in-scope base URI, which is usually the URI of
the document. We plan to fix all the examples either to use full URIs or
to mention xml:base explicitly so the full URIs are clear.

In your work, I would suggest that you use full URIs as that is less
prone to causing confusion, I guess. 8-)

Best regards,

On Thu, 2006-06-15 at 15:12 +0200,
> Hi,
> issue 1 concerning the use of xs:anyURI is now closed.
> But, since every QName is syntactically a URI, is the QName -like syntax (like rosetta:RequestPurchaseOrder) still valid in the current SAWSDL specification ? Or should we use something like rosetta#RequestPurchaseOrder.
> In the 2006/06/15 version of the spec I find 3 different syntaxes, which ones are valid ?
> 1 - Relative with QName-like syntax
> xmlns:Rosetta="
> ....
> sawsdl:modelReference="Rosetta:RequestPurchaseOrder
> 2 - Absolute with # but no .owl extension to the ontology url
> sawsdl:modelReference="
> 3 - How is defined POOntology in this example ? Is it like in 1 ?
> <xs:element name="quantity" type="xs:integer"
>     sawsdl:modelReference="POOntology#Quantity"/
> Thanks !
> --
> Pierre Chatel
> SC2 - Software Core for Computer-based systems
> 1-5, Avenue Carnot / BC4
> 91883 Massy CEDEX
> Tel 01 69 75 30 57

Received on Tuesday, 4 July 2006 14:15:19 UTC