more editorial comments

Hi, I have more editorial comments about our spec here:

1) [RossettaOnt] reference not linked; in list of references there are
unnecessary spaces between square brackets and the name

2) subsections of 2.2 should be numbered

3) message labels are "In" and "Out" in WSDL2, not such stuff as present
in example in 2.2, also pattern is a URI, not qname (same example)

4) example XML formatting is inconsistent, the example in 2.2 is not
well-formed (e.g. pattern attribute value not quoted)

5) maxOccurs in schema in 2.3 is not necessary as this seems to be a
global element declaration that cannot specify cardinality

6) section 2 introduces category as an extension attribute, but in fact
it is an element

Best regards,


Received on Monday, 17 April 2006 15:32:19 UTC