Re: Agenda for SAWSDL telcon 2006/4/11


As for your item 6, I have checked in the initial editors' copy into CVS.
This version takes the WSDL-S spec and removes preconditions and effects,
and a lot of extraneous information not applicable to a W3C spec. It also
follows the organization and style for a recommendation track document.  I
believe this is what we agreed that I should do in the extension to last
week's WG call.  There is more that probably should be removed, but I
thought it better to wait until after the call.

> ----------------------------------------
> 6. Document status
>  - When will we have the first editors' draft?
>  - Log of substantial changes after first draft, at the end of document
>    - When, who, what
>    - Will be removed at Proposed Rec

-- Joel Farrell

Received on Monday, 10 April 2006 17:37:41 UTC