Agenda for SAWSDL telcon 2006/4/11

Agenda for SAWSDL telcon 2006/4/11. 
Dial-in information (member-only) [1]
Zakim instructions [2]


1. Roll call, scribe, agenda review, AOB?
 - Scribe list: RA, JBD, JF, LH, MK, HL, EP, BNS, AS, CB
 - Any additions/modifications to agenda?

2. Approval of minutes
 - Minutes of last meeting [1]


3. Action Item Review

2006-04-04: JacekK to ask members whether visas may be a problem for f2f
  DONE, part of this agenda, point 5

4. Administrivia
 - Everybody should know the WG page [1] and the administrative page [2]
 - Is everybody in public list [3] yet? 
   - Please consider sending introductions if you haven't already
 - Stable telcon time: questionnaire results [4]
   - The current slot most likely, as of Monday afternoon

5. First face-to-face meeting?
 - Still no hosting volunteers for May/June (WWW2006)
   - Looking into Innsbruck or Galway, first half of June
 - Please write me if you may have visa problems with f2f travel

6. Document status
 - When will we have the first editors' draft?
 - Log of substantial changes after first draft, at the end of document
   - When, who, what
   - Will be removed at Proposed Rec

7. Use cases, Requirements
 - Should we formally gather use cases, requirements?

8. New issues
 - None, expecting a downpour after we have draft
 - Issues list will be established along with first issue

Received on Monday, 10 April 2006 14:07:37 UTC