Re: Introduction

Hi all,

I am a PhD student at DERI Innsbruck. I have been working on the
specification of the WSML language and other WSMO related drafts. My
topic of interest is around functional specification of services and
different approaches to discovery.

So far I have (from the syntactic side) mainly worked with WSDL1.1 and
have a rough idea of the WSDL 2.0 and WSDL-S specification. However
until now I was not heavily involved in the issues around grounding, but
mainly concerned with issues on the semantic level.

I expect this working group to have a quick, useful and simple standard
that allows to reference semantic models from a WSDL description. I hope
to contribute (besides my obligation as editor) to the topic of
separation of concerns between WSDL and the semantic description as well
as issues probably arising due to the fact that we deal with /some/ (not
further specified) semantic language.


Jacek Kopecky wrote:
> Hi all,
> per tradition, we can start participation on the working group with
> personal introductions. In particular, it will be useful if participants
> send something about themselves (to the public list or the member list,
> whichever you wish):
> -- summary of your experience that's relevant to the work of this group
> -- what you expect to get out of this WG
> -- what you hope/expect to contribute.
> Here's mine:
> I'm currently a researcher in Digital Enterprise Research Institute
> (DERI) in Innsbruck, Austria (that without kangaroos), where I work on
> various Semantic Web Services efforts, both RDF and
> WSMO-based. Previously I worked in Systinet, a company providing Web
> Services infrastructure, on framework implementations and on Web
> Services standardization.
> In years 2001-2004 I was in the XMLP working group, and since 2002 I
> have been in WS-Description working group, so I have detailed
> knowledge of both SOAP 1.2 and WSDL 2.0, and some W3C committee
> experience.
> I will be chairing the SA WSDL working group and I hope we will produce
> a useful first step towards standardized Semantic Web Services, i.e.,
> technologies contributing to automation of Web service usage -
> discovery, composition, adaptation and invocation.
> Looking forward to working with you,
> Jacek Kopecký

Holger Lausen

Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI)

Tel:   +43 512 5076464

Received on Thursday, 6 April 2006 14:48:34 UTC