RE: Editorial issues in the Attachment spec

Oops, typo.  This is an Attachment spec issue, not a Framework issue.  The subject is correct.

Daniel Roth

From: [] On Behalf Of Daniel Roth
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 10:17 PM
Subject: Editorial issues in the Attachment spec

In reviewing the LC draft for the Framework spec we identified the following simple editorial items:

Item: Section 3.4 - wssc:Security element is not of type of xs:boolean
Solution: s/xs:boolean/wsse:Security

Item: Section 5.1 - Example 5.1 does not have namespace prefixes
Solution: Add the wsp namespace prefix to the Policy elements

We recommend that these items be given to the editorial team

Daniel Roth

Received on Thursday, 18 January 2007 18:22:20 UTC