RE: Proposed solution for Issue 4141

Hi Umit, Dan et al,


1.       I like to suggest a small amendment. Change "policy language XML
namespace name" to "WS-Policy language XML namespace name". I think it would
be good to be clear here. The revised text as follows:

{The XML Infoset of a policy assertion MAY contain a non-empty [attributes]
property and/or a non-empty [children] property. Such properties, excluding
Attribute and Element Information Items from the WS-Policy language XML
namespace name, are policy assertion parameters and MAY be used to
parameterize the behavior indicated by the assertion. }

2. This change needs to be propagated to the Primer and Guidelines documents

Instead of opening a new issue for those documents to address the same
problem, I suggest the following changes in them:




2.1   In section "3.3 Policy Data Model", in 3rd paragraph under Figure 3.1
change the last sentence as follows:


            In the XML representation, the child elements and attributes of
an assertion excluding Attribute and Element Information Items from the
WS-Policy language XML namespace name are the assertion parameters. For
example @wsp:Optional and @wsp:Ignorable are not assertion parameters.


Guidelines Doc:

2.2   Section 4.4.1 Assertions with Parameters 1t paragraph says

"Note that parameters of assertions include the following:

*         Complex elements with element children that cannot be policy

*         Elements that have attributes "

     This does not account for Attributes on the assertions themselves. I
suggest adding a new1st bullet that states, "Attribute Information Items on
the assertions, excluding the Attribute Information Items from the WS-Policy
language XML namespace name". 





[] On Behalf Of Yalcinalp, Umit
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 12:03 PM
Subject: Proposed solution for Issue 4141


Dan and I had an action item [1] to resolve [Issue4141]. Here is the
suggested wording that resolves the issue which amends the proposed text in

{The XML Infoset of a policy assertion MAY contain a non-empty [attributes]
property and/or a non-empty [children] property. Such properties, excluding
Attribute and Element Information Items from the policy language XML
namespace name, are policy assertion parameters and MAY be used to
parameterize the behavior indicated by the assertion. }

[1]  <> 
[2]  <> 


Dr. Umit Yalcinalp 
Research Scientist 
SAP Labs, LLC 
Email: Tel: (650) 320-3095 
SDN:  <> 

Received on Friday, 5 January 2007 20:49:11 UTC