Issue 3722: Levels of indirection for policy references


WS-PolicyAttachment should support more levels of indirection in terms of
policy references.

My email at [1] touched on this.

It should be possible to have a policy reference in a WSDL file point to a UDDI
tModel that then points to a WS-Policy document.

Also, for a UDDI tModel that points to a WSDL that includes a policy
attachment, have a categoryBag that marks the tModel as a policy reference.
B.2 should be "checked" since currently it only allows one valid value,
"policy".  You should consider additional values, such as "policyReference", to
be used when the tModel does not point directly to the policy, but instead
points to the WSDL with a policy reference.  Perhaps the tModel points to a
RDDL document, which points to WSDL, which points to WS-Policy.

WS-Policy and UDDI registries will be important for SOA governance, and we need
to allow more levels of indirection, yet be able to locate related things in

Received on Wednesday, 13 September 2006 17:46:18 UTC