Actions: 9, 18, 11 completed, maybe 6?

I think that 6 - the ref in the cvs comments is wrong by a day, it's - might not
actually be done.  All I did was move the element policy into the
terminology section.  The terms all seem defined in proper xmlspec
format. I didn't add any references to the terms.  The minutes say

Terminology section 2.3 review paul asks whether all terms defined in
this section

Terms defined are not the same

Discussion of options for links between definitions and uses.

<maryann> q

paul asks editors to consider how links of defs to uses

<cferris> ack

<scribe> ACTION: editors to align termdef with other w3c style [recorded

<cferris> note: paulc had suggested e.g. XML Query's use of termdef

Then it said Felix got the issue on which terminology is normative,

felix, xquery style explained. Issue of which occurence of defintion is

<scribe> ACTION: felix, to draft issue about which terminology is
normative [recorded in]



What do y'all think?  More supposed to be done?




Received on Tuesday, 18 July 2006 08:09:52 UTC