Re: Comment: document title

This text:

> 	A type of the binary element information item must be a type derived 
> from or equal to  xs:base64Binary or xs:hexBinary.

implies that the content must be typed. As it sits, it's ambiguous; I 
read it to mean that typing is required. A *very* careful reading might 
interpret it as saying something else, but most readers will walk away 
from this statement convinced that it needs to be typed, and a majority 
will walk away thinking that it needs to be typed using XML Schema.

If the intent is to only constrain the value *if* it is typed, 
something like this would be more appropriate:

> If a type is associated with a binary element information item, it 
> MUST be derived from xs:base64Binary or xs:hexBinary in the case that 
> the XML Schema type system [ref] is in use; when other type systems 
> are in use, the type MUST be equivalent to them.

(The definition of 'equivalent' between type systems seems a little 
shaky here)

OTOH, if the intent is to constrain the content of the element, 
something like this would be more appropriate:

> The content of a binary element information item MUST conform to the 
> lexical constraints of xs:base64Binary or xs:hexBinary.

It would also be helpful if the Introduction stated that the 
contentType attribute does not require the use of Schema, if that is 
the intent (this is similar to the issues we encountered in XOP's 
historic use of the XQDM).

On Oct 5, 2004, at 4:50 PM, Anish Karmarkar wrote:

> But xmlmime:contentType attribute can be used independent of the XML 
> schema and indicates the media type/content type of the binary element 
> content in an XML document.
> Given this, do you still think that the title is confusing?

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Received on Wednesday, 6 October 2004 00:04:52 UTC