Re: Comment: document title

Mark Nottingham wrote:

> This text:
>>     A type of the binary element information item must be a type 
>> derived from or equal to  xs:base64Binary or xs:hexBinary.
> implies that the content must be typed. As it sits, it's ambiguous; I 
> read it to mean that typing is required. A *very* careful reading might 
> interpret it as saying something else, but most readers will walk away 
> from this statement convinced that it needs to be typed, and a majority 
> will walk away thinking that it needs to be typed using XML Schema.
> If the intent is to only constrain the value *if* it is typed, something 
> like this would be more appropriate:
>> If a type is associated with a binary element information item, it 
>> MUST be derived from xs:base64Binary or xs:hexBinary in the case that 
>> the XML Schema type system [ref] is in use; when other type systems 
>> are in use, the type MUST be equivalent to them.
> (The definition of 'equivalent' between type systems seems a little 
> shaky here)
> OTOH, if the intent is to constrain the content of the element, 
> something like this would be more appropriate:

Yes, that is the intent.

>> The content of a binary element information item MUST conform to the 
>> lexical constraints of xs:base64Binary or xs:hexBinary.

That is certain a better way to say it. Or if we wanted to be more 
precise (and perhaps we should) we could say:

The character information items comprising the [children] of the element 
information item MUST conform to the lexical constraints of 
xs:base64Binary and xs:hexBinary.

(but this is a mouthful)

> It would also be helpful if the Introduction stated that the contentType 
> attribute does not require the use of Schema, if that is the intent 
> (this is similar to the issues we encountered in XOP's historic use of 
> the XQDM).
> On Oct 5, 2004, at 4:50 PM, Anish Karmarkar wrote:
>> But xmlmime:contentType attribute can be used independent of the XML 
>> schema and indicates the media type/content type of the binary element 
>> content in an XML document.
>> Given this, do you still think that the title is confusing?
> -- 
> Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
> Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Received on Wednesday, 6 October 2004 06:37:21 UTC