IDL attributes (was: Re: Some requirements)

"Jim Webber" <> writes:
> >That means the generated language interface will have methods getx()
> >and setx(.). Thus, IDL does tell you precisely what methods are
> >available to access the state.
> No. It entirely depends on the IDL to language binding. For example if
> piece of IDL was bound to a C# implementation then it would most likely
> to a property, not get/set methods (as it would in Java).

You're right, of course.

However, how are attributes retrieved in the client stub? There must
be some method invocation I assume. If so, the skeleton must have
such a method isn't it? So is there a fixed binding for the server
skeleton then? Otherwise I'm not sure how the client's property or
field would get filled when the stub user requests the value.

BTW, if it gets bound to a property in C# I assume C# has a way
to associate code to be run when a property is read? If not how does
the property get filled?



Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2003 05:07:49 UTC