RE: Some requirements


Much of what you have said makes sense , the only thing that I want to add
is that although there should not be any means of accessing groups of
attributes in standard WSDL (as you point out, it doesn't make sense
semantically), there is nothing to stop the Grid (which is an application
framework) from creating "global getter" and "global setter" operations.

These are not quite the same as SDEs since if WSDL supports attributes then
it is known in advance the schema of the message that would be
sent/retrieved in a global get/set (because you can see the attributes in
the interface). This actually removes one of my biggest hangups about my
current understanding of SDEs - namely that you suddenly get a bunch of XML
and you don't really have any clues about its contents because you have
nothing to match them against. Introduce attributes in WSDL and the global
get/sets in the Grid framework and things seem to fall comfortably into


Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2003 04:05:31 UTC