Comments on WSDL SOAP Binding Extension section of Adjuncts from WS-Addressing WG

The comments below form part of the the WS-Addressing WG's review of the 
WSDL drafts (WS-A WG Meeting 19th Sept 05).  These comments refer to WSDL 
SOAP binding Extension section in the Adjuncts document.
Katy Warr

WSDL Adjuncts Section: 5.10.3 SOAP Header Block component 
How does wsoap:header indicate required = true/false? 
There does not appear to be a way to indicate that the service 
(a) supports the header and the client may send it 
(b) supports headers and REQUIRES that the client use the described 
The mustUnderstand=true attribute part of <wsoap:header> indicates only 
whether the mustUnderstand attribute must be set on the header (and not 
whether it is mandatory for the client to send the header itself). 

WSDL Adjuncts Section 5.10.3 SOAP header block component 
The following sentence switches between a SOAP Header Block representing 1 
header and representing multiple headers.
"A SOAP Header Block component describes an abstract piece of header data 
(message headers) that is associated with the exchange of messages between 
the communicating parties. The presence of a SOAP Header Block component 
in a WSDL description indicates that the service supports headers and MAY 
require a Web service consumer/client that interacts with the service to 
use the described header. Zero or more such headers may be used." 

WSLD Adjuncts Section 5.3 (Default Binding rules) 
Minor comment - comma required after the word 'transmitted' aids 
understanding of this sentence. 
Payload Construction. When formulating the SOAP envelope to be transmitted 
the contents of the payload (i.e., the contents of the SOAP Body element 
information item of the SOAP envelope) MUST be what is defined by the 
corresponding Interface Message Reference component. 
WSDL Adjuncts Section 5.10.3 SOAP Header Block component 
"{element} REQUIRED. A xs:QName, a reference to an XML element declaration 
in the {element declarations} property of the Description component. This 
element represents a SOAP header block." 
"This element represents a SOAP Header block" is confusing - it 
refererences the SOAP hdr block representation but doesn't represent it 

Received on Monday, 19 September 2005 21:33:41 UTC