Re: Multi-Party Binding Scenario

>If you include a specific XPATH expression in a choreography, then the
>choreography definition is no longer abstract and therefore cannot be reused
>which means it does not scale. I think the binding implied by the XPATH
>expression should be recorded in a Choreography Binding document that binds
>an abstract Choreography Definition to the specific, services, messages,
>documents, used by a specific implementation.

I disagree. The choreography should talk about an abstract message. 
Content without specific headers. No protocol binings. Not a "SOAP 
message" but an abstract message without enveloping.

Say you define the abstract message using XML Schema and can express 
things about the contents using an info set. You can use XPath as that 
expression language.

The XPath expression does not refer to the specific message you send 
over the wire (SOAP or DIME, etc) nor does it refer to what the 
implementation adds to the message - only to the abstract content model 
that is consistent across all protocol encodings and implementations.

Why would it not work?

(As a side note, in reality I expect the expressions to be very simple, 
as simple as identifying one top-level element like tns:shippingAddress 
or tns:billingAddress. Perhaps a narrowing of XPath would be more helpful.)


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ricky Ho []
>Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 11:17 AM
>To: Burdett, David;
>Subject: RE: Multi-Party Binding Scenario

Received on Tuesday, 25 March 2003 14:47:12 UTC