Internal/External questions - scribed from f2f 1

The following is a list of questions relating to external v. internal 
design decisions, developed by abreakout group at the first face to 


What are the business problems we're trying to solve?
	- what is the distinction between internal and external
		* internal = building implementation?  Awareness of details?
		* external = interface/contract
		[explain w/use cases]
	- as a consumer/developer, what do I need to know to use ws-chor?
	- are we trying to develop a lang to tie together WS?
		If not, what are we developing?
	- what definitions/terms must we have consensus on, how do these
		effect our ability to make the int/ext decision?
	- does external exposition require communication of internal details
		* how does the description of the service related to int/ext
		* separating the description from impl langs (GPL, WSDl, etc.)
	- how do we ensure we have a set of abstraction at various levels,
		such that the relations among levels are complete and
		well-formed (relate to int/ext)
	- does the distinction stay consistent for both inter- and
		intra- company choreographies?
	- what is choreography w respect to:
		* a lang to tie together WS
		* separate desc language
	- if choreography must be internally consistent, how can we
		view it externally
	- what is the theoretical "definition" of choreography, and
		does this imply external v. internal?
		* e.g. does pi-calculus constrain us to a particular view
	- does compositionality require internal view/details?
		* composition @ runtime
	- is the thing that gets composed itself a service?
		* does this imply int or ext
	- how can we understand what we're trying to do relative to
		existing specs (BPEL, BPSS, WSCI, WSFL, etc.)
		* do other specs have internal/ext distinction
What are the technical problems we're trying to solve and how do 
these relate to the business problems?  Are these different problems 
for internal vs. external?

Professor James Hendler
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742	  240-731-3822 (Cell)

Received on Saturday, 15 March 2003 19:13:11 UTC