Contribution on adding explicit transaction demarcation to the WS-Choreography language

Dear Colleagues,
Sorry this is a touch last minute, but please find attached my contribution
on adding in transaction demarcation to the emerging WS-Choreography
description language.  (Peter has not has had as much time to assist me as
he would of liked so please blame me for the imperfections.)
This contribution is based on the Oracle language proposal, but the
principles should be adaptable to any language specification that emerges
from the group that is reasonably similar in its fundamentals.
Best Regards     Tony
A M Fletcher
Home: 35, Wimborne Avenue, IPSWICH  IP3  8QW
Tel: 01473 729537   Mobile: +44 (0) 7801 948219     (also  &

Received on Monday, 15 December 2003 08:06:45 UTC