from May 2005 by subject

Another possible decision for the tree

Async without (new) SOAP MEPS: Specifics

Asynch Scenarios

Asynch scenarios document

Asynch TF TBDs and options

Asynchronous bidirectional transports

Do we even need SOAP MEPs? (was Re: Another possible decision for the tree)

How many MEPs?

Minutes of 5/4/2005 call?

MultipleHTTPConnectionEnabled extension for SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 + WSDL extension

Possible approaches and existing options for going forward

Proposal for SOAP 1.2

REMINDER/AGENDA : Async TF teleconference May 18, 2005

REMINDER/AGENDA : Async TF teleconference, May 11, 2005


Sorry about today's call!

Today's call

Today's call is indeed at the new time

Tomorrow's call

Updated Async scenarios

Last message date: Monday, 30 May 2005 09:24:14 UTC