WS-Desc comments on WS-A WSDL Binding LC

Thanks to reviews by Hugo and Arthur Ryman.

1) Section 3.1.1 says:

    A property of the binding or endpoint named {addressing required}
    of type xs:boolean

  should be phrased:

    A property {addressing required} of type xs:boolean, to the
    Binding and Endpoint components

2) Section 3.1.1 also says:

  A property of the binding or endpoint named {addressing required} of
  type xs:boolean. The property value is the value of the
  wsdl:required attribute information item on the wsaw:UsingAddressing
  extension element, if present; otherwise "false".

It means that, if a WSDL processor supports WS-Addressing, this property will always be present. There are basically 2 states:
- {addressing required} = true
- {addressing required} = false

However, using the wsaw:UsingAddressing, you have 3 states:
- <wsaw:UsingAddressing />
- <wsaw:UsingAddressing wsdl:required="true" />
- no wsaw:UsingAddressing in the document

So, it should be made clear that {addressing required} is an optional property, whose value is "true" if wsaw:UsingAddressing is present and wsdl:required="true" is present, "false" if wsaw:UsingAddressing is present by wsdl:required is not equal to "true", and not present otherwise.

3) Section 3.3 WSDL SOAP Module says:

    In WSDL 2.0, the wsoap:module construct may be used to declare the
    use of the WS-Addressing 1.0 Module for the SOAP binding. The
    meaning of such a wsoap:module declaration is semantically
    equivalent to wsaw:UsingAddressing in this case. Note that this
    module is not meaningful when used on WSDL constructs where
    wsaw:UsingAddressing is not allowed.

  The last sentence could be made clearer. As wsaw:UsingAddressing is
  only allowed at the binding or endpoint component level, it means
  that the declaration of use of the WS-Addressing 1.0 SOAP Module can
  only be made at the binding component level. It should probably be
  spelled out.

  Also, this would be better expressed in terms of components. How
  about the following:

    In WSDL 2.0, a SOAP Module component may be used to declare the
    use of the WS-Addressing 1.0 Module for the SOAP binding. The
    meaning of the use of such a SOAP Module component is semantically
    equivalent to the {addressing required} property defined in
    section 3.1.1. Note that this module is only meaningful when used
    on WSDL components where the {addressing required} property is
    allowed, i.e. as a member of the {soap modules} property of a
    Binding component.

4) Typos in section 2.1:
- "by by" -> "by"
- "" -> ""

5) The XML example 4-1 is wrong since it uses <definition> as the root element. It should use <description>.

6) Section 4.3 defines the use of <wsa:ReferenceParameters> but does not say how this affects the WSDL 2.0 component model. Does this add a property to Endpoint?

 [  Jonathan Marsh  ][  ][  ]

Received on Tuesday, 28 February 2006 11:14:09 UTC