Contradiction in WSDL Binding

I happened to be reading the WSDL Binding - you know, as one does. 
Noticed a tiny contradiction between Example 4-7 "Structure of default wsa:Action IRI for faults", which specifies the presence of a delimiter between the operation name and the literal string "Fault", and Example 4-8 "Example WSDL...", which shows a fault action without that delimiter.
Fix is either to eliminate the delimiter specified in Example 4-7, or to add the delimiter in Example 4-8 - the latter is the simpler change. It means the fault action would become:
Should we raise this as a CR issue? Or call it editorial licence?
Tony Rogers
CA, Inc
Senior Architect, Development
BTW: technically, Example 4-7 isn't an example, but that's being REALLY pedantic...

Received on Tuesday, 21 February 2006 10:23:30 UTC