Fault notation

Per an AI I took to propose clarifications to the notation used in
defining our faults.  This approach spells things out rather than
inventing new notations.  It also tries to make it clearer whether the
detail is constructed from a property or a header.  There might be more
succinct ways to address this.


5.1 Invalid Addressing Header

A header representing a WS-Addressing 1.0 Message Addressing Property is
invalid cannot be processed. The validity failure can be either
structural or semantic, e.g. a [destination] that is not an IRI or a
[relationship] to a [message id] that was never issued. (moved from

[Code] a QName representing the value S:Sender

[Subcode] a QName representing the value wsa:InvalidAddressingHeader

[Reason] the string "A header representing a Message Addressing Property
is not valid and the message cannot be processed." 

[Detail] a QName representing the name of the invalid header element.

5.2 Message Addressing Header Required

A required header representing a Message Addressing Property is absent.

[Code] a QName representing the value S:Sender

[Subcode] a QName representing the value

[Reason] the string "A required header representing a Message Addressing
Property is not present."

[Detail] a QName representing the name of the missing header element

5.3 Destination Unreachable

No endpoint can be found capable of acting in the role of the
[destination] property.

[Code] a QName representing the value S:Sender

[Subcode] a QName representing the value wsa:DestinationUnreachable

[Reason] the string "No route can be determined to reach [destination]."

[Detail] (empty)

5.4 Action Not Supported

The [action] property in the message is not supported at this endpoint.

The contents of this fault are as follows:

[Code] a QName representing the value S:Sender

[Subcode] a QName representing the value wsa:ActionNotSupported

[Reason] the string "The [action] cannot be processed at the receiver."

[Detail] the value of the wsa:Action header.

5.5 Endpoint Unavailable

The endpoint is unable to process the message at this time either due to
some transient issue or a permanent failure. 

The endpoint may optionally include a RetryAfter parameter in the
detail. The source should not retransmit the message until this duration
has passed.

[Code] a QName representing the value S:Receiver

[Subcode] a QName representing the value wsa:EndpointUnavailable

[Reason] the string "The endpoint is unable to process the message at
this time."

[Detail] a <wsa:RetryAfter> element.


Received on Monday, 23 May 2005 22:26:06 UTC