LC77 - A proposal for wording

Hi folks:

In fulfillment of my AI from last week's telcon, here is some suggested
wording for a resolution for LC77.

In section 3.4 of the SOAP binding document, we discuss binding
reference parameters into SOAP headers.  I'd propose we add a NOTE after
the first bullet item which says:

The insertion of SOAP headers into a message implies particular
semantics.  Since the reference parameter mechanism does not restrict
the content of the generated headers, EPR suppliers should exercise
appropriate caution to ensure their reference parameters do not cause
unintended or erroneous semantics in the resultant SOAP message.  For
example, using a reference parameter to send a WS-Security header would
be ill-advised (since other parts of the SOAP infrastructure will often
control this header, and there must be at most one of them per message).

I'm not entirely sure we don't want to also add a little text about this
in the core, since it does seem to impact the (more abstract) decisions
developers might make when filling in the [reference parameters] MAP.



Received on Monday, 23 May 2005 19:46:24 UTC