RE: NEW ISSUE: use RDDL instead of XML Schema at the namespace URI?

> Can you pl. elaborate what you mean by 'latest schema' and 'dated
> links
> to the schema'? Do you mean something similar to what the spec
> documents
> have (latest version/this version/previous version) OR do you mean
> that
> the links will point only to various schemas (arising out of errata
> fixes) that have the same namespaces?

Yes, though I don't think a "this version" RDDL link is very useful.  I
was thinking "latest version", "2006-01-01 version", "2005-10-01
version", "2005-07-01 version", etc.

> For example, the 1st WD has the namespace
> and the LC WD has a different
> namespace In this proposal, if I
> deref would I get a pointer to
> the
> schema for the 1st WD?

This proposal doesn't cover what other links we might put in the RDDL,
though I think it should at least point to the spec(s) defining the
namespace, the schema(s) for the namespace.  If we want to put in links
to related specs that's fine, but they need to be given appropriate
roles (a link to the "02" namespace asserting it's a schema for the "03"
namespace would be a lie.)

Received on Monday, 11 April 2005 19:14:58 UTC